Translation for "se rasca" to english
Translation examples
Si se rasca, lo llamaremos rasca-traseros.
If he scratches his spots, we can call him scar-butt.
Oh, él se rascó mi coche.
Oh, he scratched my car.
Y dice mientras se rasca Con sus uñas
♪ And he says as he scratches himself With his claws
Cuando no entiende algo, se rasca con furia.
When he doesn't understand something, he scratches himself furiously.
Se rascó mi coche ".
He scratched my car.
Oh, y se rasca con las llaves.
Oh, and he scratches himself with his keys.
Se Rasca la nariz, y se come los mocos
He scratches his nose, and eats boogers
... queacaparael mando,yque se rasca con un tenedor.
... hehogstheremoteand he scratches his back with a fork.
"Con ambas." "¡Oh, se rasca con ambas!"
"With both hands." "Oh, he scratches with both!"
Se rascó la nariz a las 9:20.
He scratch his nose at... 9:20. Mm.
Se rascó una ceja—.
He scratched at an eyebrow.
Él se rascó un hombro.
He scratched his shoulder.
Se rascó la entrepierna.
He scratched at his crotch.
Y se rasca la barba.
Then he scratches his beard.
Tú me rascas a mí la espalda y yo te la rasco a ti.
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”
Me rasca la espalda y yo le rasco la suya.
You scratch my back, I scratch yours.
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