Translation for "se había entregado" to english
Se había entregado
Translation examples
Se había entregado por completo a él.
She had surrendered to him completely.
La tierra se había entregado a la noche, y también para Landon había llegado el momento de la entrega.
The land had surrendered itself to the night, and for Landon, too, it was the time of surrender.
Se había entregado a la corriente desbordante de su vida, y se sumergía en ella por completo;
He had surrendered himself to the busy current of his life, submerging himself totally in it.
En realidad, se habían entregado por completo al sonido de las olas y apenas habían cruzado unas palabras.
In fact they had surrendered totally to the sound of the waves and had hardly exchanged a word.
Le gustaba imaginarlos abandonados a su destino como él se había entregado al caos.
He liked the idea they might have accepted their fates in the same way he had surrendered himself to the workings of chaos.
Se había entregado tantas veces a los «poderes superiores» que casi hubiera podido predicar.
He had surrendered to Higher Powers so many times he could almost deliver the sermons.
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