Translation for "ha entregado" to english
Translation examples
Jacobim Mugautu... nos ha entregado a El Elegiudo.
Jacobeem Mugowto has deliver us the Choosen Why-yun.
Ha entregado su risotto a la aprobación del Chef Ramsay.
Has delivered her risotto for Chef Ramsay's approval.
Gina ha entregado perfeccionar vieiras.
Gina has delivered perfect scallops.
Mi oficina ha entregado más de 850,000 documentos.
My office has delivered over 850,000 documents.
- Ella ha entregado una niña ahora.
- She has delivered a girl child now.
El Señor ha entregado su mano sanadora!
The Lord has delivered his healing hand!
nos ha entregado la Andrómeda.
he has delivered theandromeda.
- ¿Ha entregado el cheque al hospicio?
- Has delivered the check to the hospice?
¿Sabes que Ganga ha entregado a un niño?
Do you know Ganga has delivered a child.
Hermana ha entregado un bebé.
Sister has delivered a boy baby.
La Cofradía ya nos ha entregado las naves.
The Guild has delivered our new warships.
Nuestro dios ha entregado en nuestras manos a nuestro enemigo,
Our god has delivered our enemy into our hands,
—¡Dios nos ha entregado a los daneses, los ha puesto en nuestras manos!
‘God has delivered the Danes to us!’ Ceolberht said.
Hemos sido castigados por su culpa y él se nos ha entregado voluntariamente.
We have been punished because of him and he has delivered himself into our hands.
Budget Car Rental ha entregado un Audi A4 plateado para usted.
Budget Car Rental has delivered a silver Audi A4 for you.
—No —replicó el hombre temblando—. Mi amo te ha entregado a Thomas. Yo oí su voz.
“No.” The man trembled. “My master has delivered Thomas to you. I heard his voice.
Hace ya varios meses que tenemos los diagramas y las especificaciones y ningún gerente de fábrica nos ha entregado todavía...
“We've had the specifications and diagrams for several months and still no factory manager has delivered—”
Si es así, y Dios en Su infinita misericordia nos ha entregado el cáliz de la Pasión de Cristo, Vuestra Majestad debe…
“If this is true, and God in His Mercy has delivered us the vessel of Christ’s Passion, then Your Majesty must—”
Y lo que es más, me lo ha entregado.
What is more, he has given it to me.
Él… le ha entregado su corazón.
He has given his heart to my sister.
Ha entregado mucho dinero para buenas causas.
He has given much money to good causes.
Ha entregado el regalo del paraíso a más de cien almas.
He has given the gift of paradise to more than a hundred souls.”
Mi advertencia es que, sea lo que sea lo que lo motiva, recuerdes que se ha entregado a ello por completo.
My warning is to remember that whatever it is that motivates him, he has given himself to it, entirely and completely.
Ha entregado el Icono a Tartarus y lo ha enviado a activar el Anillo —explicó G’torik—.
He has given Tartarus the Icon and sent him to activate the Ring,” G’torik explained.
Él ha entregado en mi poder a los habitantes de la región, y éstos han quedado sometidos al SEÑOR y a su pueblo.
For he has given the inhabitants of the land into my hands, and the land is subject to the LORD and to his people.
¡Te ha entregado lo que le quedaba de vida!» El sultán y la sultana intercambiaron una mirada y luego Malikxah se levantó.
He has given you the rest of his life!’ The Sultan and Sultana exchanged a glance and then Malikshah arose.
Sé que te ha entregado todo su corazón y que no podría soportar verte padecer.
I know that he has given his whole heart to you, and if any of you were to receive a hurt he would be unable to bear it.
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