Translation for "sanies" to english
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Translation examples
Sr. Rasio Ridho Sani
Mr. Rasio Ridho Sani
2B11/2S12 Sani de 120 mm
120mm 2B11/2S12 Sani
Sani Abacha, Jefe del Estado,
General Sani Abacha, Head of State,
- Excelentísimo Señor, General Sani Abacha
- His Excellency General Sani Abacha
El Sani-club es un equipaje de deporte.
The sani-club is sports equipment.
Pusiste a Sani Clean antes de las noticias?
Did you run Sani Clean before the news?
Si son tus tierras, tienes que ser Sani Crow.
If this is your land, you must be Sani Crow.
Era Sani, nuestro último Chamán vivo, el líder espiritual de nuestra tribu.
He was Sani, our last living shaman, spirit leader of our tribe.
Lo mismo que el general Sani nax Rifati hizo hace 6000 años.
The same thing General Sani nax Rifati did 6000 years ago.
Comandante supremo de la Alta Guardia Sani nax Rifati "Persuasiones y exhortaciones" [ C.Y. 4279]
High Guard Supreme Commander Sani nax Rifati "Persuasions and Exhortations" [ C.Y. 4279]
Es el Capitán a Dylan Hunt, restaurador de la Mancomunidad un Sani Nax Rifati moderno.
He's captain dylan hunt, Restorer of the systems commonwealth, A modern-Day sani nax rifati.
Y allí... me sorprendí al encontrar al jefe shamán de Sani.
And there, I was surprised to find the chief shaman from Sani.
estudiante de licencia... mirando absorto a esa enorme estatua de bronce de Sani nax Rifati, mi heroe de toda la vida.
plebe on furlough staring up at this huge bronze statue of Sani nax Rifati, my lifelong hero.
Siguieron la ruta y tomaron el té en el Hotel Puerto Sani antes de regresar a Weezen.
They drove on and had tea at the Sani Pass Hotel before returning to Weezen.
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