Translation for "ropa gruesa" to english
Ropa gruesa
  • thick clothes
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Translation examples
thick clothes
Asegúrese de llevar ropa gruesa. —¿Eh?
"Be sure to wear thick clothing." "Huh?"
Si en la Montaña de los Vampiros hacía un frío invernal, necesitaría ropa gruesa y botas;
If Vampire Mountain was icy and wintry, I'd need thick clothes and boots;
Era asombroso cómo Teatime había sido capaz de clavar un cuchillo a través de cuatro capas de ropa gruesa y detenerlo justo en el punto donde pinchaba la carne.
It was amazing how Teatime had been able to thrust a knife through four layers of thick clothing and stop it just at the point where it pricked the flesh.
Aunque sus cuerpos estaban separados por capas de ropa gruesa. Mira sintió que ardía suave e intensamente al sentir aquel cálido e íntimo beso.
Their bodies were separated by layers of thick clothing, and all Mira could feel was that hot, intimate kiss burning into her mouth so gently, so persistently.
era un olor a ropa gruesa con restos de tabaco (aunque ya no fumaba) y de piel sin respirar que me hacía pensar en algo denso y curtido, con sus excreciones señoriales y su calor animal.
His smell, which was not rank but not reduced to infantile soap-and-talcum cleanliness, either-a smell of thick clothing with its residue of tobacco (though he didn’t smoke anymore) and of the enclosed skin that I thought of as thick and leathery, with its lordly excretions and animal heat.
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