Translation for "riesgo involucrado" to english
Riesgo involucrado
Translation examples
3. Es improbable que el sector privado por sí solo pueda aumentar sustancialmente su inversión en infraestructura en un futuro próximo, debido a las externalidades y los riesgos involucrados.
The private sector alone is unlikely to increase its investment substantially in infrastructure in the near future, due to externalities and the risks involved.
Se necesitará un alto grado de comprensión de parte de todos los interesados para lograr un equilibrio entre la necesidad de resolver los problemas y la necesidad de reducir al mínimo los riesgos involucrados, particularmente en zonas donde se ha quebrantado el orden público.
Achieving a balance between the need for responsiveness and the need to minimize the risks involved, particularly in those areas where law and order has broken down, and having this balance accepted by all the players on the humanitarian stage will require great understanding on the part of all concerned.
Habiendo un elemento de riesgo involucrado.
There's an element of risk involved.
Por lo menos no hay ningún riesgo involucrado.
At least there's no risk involved.
Y que hay con los riesgos involucrados?
And what about the risks involved?
Siempre ha habido riesgos involucrados con el uso de ecstasy.
There's always been risks involved with ecstasy.
Obviamente eres demasiado joven para entender los riesgos involucrados.
You're obviously too young to understand the risks involved.
Hay tanto riesgo involucrado en el matrimonio.
There's so much risk involved in marriage.
El riesgo involucrado hace que el precio suba.
The risk involved makes the price go up.
El recluta Rebelde que acababa de firmar en Yavin habría reconocido los riesgos involucrados.
The newly signed Rebel recruit at Yavin would have recognized the risks involved.
–Pero dados los riesgos involucrados, como usted mismo ha sugerido, es lógico que buscáramos pruebas adicionales de su… validez -añadió lady Nicholson. Doyle asintió.
"But given the risks involved, as you yourself have suggested, it is altogether fitting and proper that we look for additional . proof of your . suitability," said Lady Nicholson. Doyle nodded.
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