Translation for "representantes electos" to english
Representantes electos
Translation examples
La misma disposición se aplicaba a los representantes electos.
The same provision applied to elected representatives.
Los ciudadanos exigen más y mejores respuestas a sus representantes electos.
Citizens are demanding more and better responses from their elected representatives.
La misma norma se aplicaba a los representantes electos.
This also applied to elected representatives.
El trabajo de redacción será responsabilidad de los representantes electos".
Its drafting would be the responsibility of the elected representatives.
d) El mandato de los representantes electos en todos los niveles de gobierno;
The mandate of elected representatives at all levels of Government;
- La comunidad en general (especialmente los representantes electos y propietarios de PCO).
- The community at large (especially elected representatives and PCO owners)
- Módulo de capacitación para los representantes electos de las instituciones Panchayati Raj;
- Training module for elected representatives of Panchayati Raj institutions
Las mismas disposiciones anteriormente citadas eran aplicables a los representantes electos.
The same provisions mentioned above applied to elected representatives.
* Becas para representantes electos de las asociaciones de alumnos;
Grants for student association elected representatives;
Guillermo III libraría sus guerras solicitando, no exigiendo fondos de los representantes electos del pueblo.
William III would fight his wars by asking, not demanding funds from the elected representatives of the people.
Mas allá de que sus... representantes electos no lo hagan.
Even if their... elected representatives won't
Usted solo es un representante electo por defecto.
You're only an elected representative by default.
Soy un representante electo del pueblo.
I'm an elected representative ofthe people.
Querida, Invité a todos lo representantes electos.
My dear, I invite every elected representative.
No le hablarían a toda la población sino a sus representantes electos.
You wouldn't be speaking to the entire population, but to their elected representatives.
Yo solo intentaba hacer mi trabajo como representante electo por Caprica.
Yeah, I was just trying to do my bit as the elected representative of Caprica.
Solo me estoy expresando con mi representante electo.
I'm just expressing my opinions to my elected representative.
En cuanto al de ustedes, es una pregunta que deben hacerles a sus representantes electos.
For your country, that is a question for your elected representatives.
O quizá no captó la paradoja del intento de poner a las democracias en contra de sus representantes electos.
Or he missed the irony of trying to turn democracies against their elected representatives.
Se supone que los representantes electos saben qué quiere la gente y actúan acordemente, siempre dentro de límites razonables.
The elected representatives are supposed to know what the people want, and act accordingly, again, within reasonable limits.
Debería suponer el final de un lamentable capítulo en la historia del estado que cuenta con la mayor proporción de representantes electos en nuestro Parlamento.
It should mark the end of a sorry chapter in the history of the State which has the largest proportion of elected representatives in our Parliament.
Tuve que comprarla en la calle para que los votantes de Nueva York no descubrieran que su representante electo tenía un arma en su casa.
I had to buy it on the street because heaven forbid that New York City voters find out their elected representative keeps a gun in his house.
En 2007, había en Italia nada menos que 574.215 autos blus –limusinas oficiales– para una clase gobernante de 180.000 representantes electos;
In 2007, Italy had no fewer than 574,215 autos blus—official limousines—for a governing class of 180,000 elected representatives;
Grandes problemas. Los veteranos más veteranos han enloquecido de ira, y no puedo hacerlos entrar en razón… o mejor dicho a sus representantes electos.
Big, big trouble. The really veteran veterans are wild with rage, and I can't reason with them or rather, with their elected representatives.
El sistema perdura hoy día, como un esfuerzo por disciplinar o refrenar a los representantes electos mediante una «reselección» en Gran Bretaña o una «limitación de períodos» de representación en Estados Unidos.
It survives to this day, in the effort to discipline or restrain elected representatives by means of ‘re-selection’ in Britain or ‘term limitation’ in the United States.
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