Translation for "rabia contenida" to english
Rabia contenida
Translation examples
contained rage
Sus labios temblaban de rabia contenida.
Her lips were trembling with contained rage.
El aire que la rodeaba parecía hervir de rabia contenida.
The air around her seemed to prickle with barely contained rage.
Andrew Cabot era una roca temblorosa de angustia y rabia contenida.
Andrew Cabot was a trembling rock of contained rage and anguish.
Mimoun hizo un esfuerzo por esbozar otra media sonrisa, ésta llena de rabia contenida.
Mimoun made an effort to grin a grin full of contained rage.
Moviendo la cabeza con rabia contenida, dijo que la mujer estaba tan endemoniadamente ávida y era tan egoísta que ni siquiera tomó en cuenta que un hombre necesita un momento de reposo, necesita sentirse a gusto, en casa, en un ambiente agradable.
Shaking his head with contained rage, he said that the woman was so friggin' eager and utterly selfish that she didn't take into account that a man needs a moment's peace, he needs to feel at ease, at home, in friendly surroundings.
centelleaban de rabia contenida.
they flashed with suppressed rage.
Estaba rígido por la rabia contenida.
He was rigid with an old rage.
A veces no ocultaba una rabia contenida.
Sometimes a suppressed rage welled up in him.
Una rabia contenida le teñía la voz de aspereza.
His voice was coarse with swallowed rage.
Un golpe fuerte, pesado con rabia contenida;
A hard stroke, heavy with pent-up rage;
El Jefe, hirviendo de rabia contenida, lo sabía.
Daddy-O, boiling with rage outside his cranium, knew it.
La rabia contenida casi no le dejaba respirar.
He was so full of silent rage he could hardly breathe.
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