Translation for "querido encontrar" to english
Querido encontrar
  • wanted to find
Translation examples
wanted to find
No, en realidad no había querido encontrar nada.
No, she really hadn't wanted to find anything.
Aunque Val había querido encontrar evidencia de hadas, la prueba real era abrumadora.
Even though Val had wanted to find evidence of faeries, the actual proof was overwhelming.
Solo había querido encontrar el modo de escribir otra buena novela, porque escribir lo hacía feliz.
He had only wanted to find a way to write another good story, because doing that made him happy.
Se preguntaba si se parecía a uno de los dos, aunque tal vez ya fuese demasiado mayor para que la semejanza familiar se mantuviese. Nunca los había querido encontrar, ni siquiera cuando Philippe y Jeannine le dieron la noticia de su adopción; sin embargo, hacia la tercera semana de cautividad, François empezó a rezar para que ellos lo rescatasen, para que sus padres de verdad pagasen el rescate y lo devolviesen a su vida parisina.
Did he look like either of them? Perhaps François was now too old for any family resemblance to have lasted. He had never wanted to find them, not since Philippe and Jeannine had given him the news of his adoption, but towards the third week of his captivity François began to pray that he would be rescued by them, that his real parents would somehow pay the ransom and return him to his life in Paris.
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