Translation for "que parecen" to english
Translation examples
Estas disposiciones parecen estándar.
These seem standard provisions.
Algunos criterios parecen rendir fruto.
Some approaches seem fruitful.
Todos los comentarios parecen justificados.
All the points made seem legitimate.
Los dos párrafos parecen contradictorios.
The two paragraphs seemed contradictory.
Esas diferencias no parecen apropiadas.
These differences seem inappropriate in such areas.
Parecen ser las siguientes:
They seem to be the following:
Parecen disfrutar de una impunidad absoluta.
They seem to enjoy absolute impunity.
Las Naciones Unidas parecen indefensas.
The United Nations seems helpless.
Las ventajas parecen ser evidentes.
The advantages seemed obvious.
Estas expresiones de violencia parecen estar aumentando;
These expressions of violence seem to be escalating;
Hay partes que parecen...
There's parts that seem...
¿Las piernas que parecen infinitas?
The legs... that seem to go on forever?
Hay algunos recuerdos que parecen extraños.
There are some memories that seem strange.
Sueños que parecen proféticos.
Dreams that seem pretty prophetic.
*Las cosas que parecen simples*.
* The things that seemed so simple *
Lo siento, pero había que parecen reales.
Sorry, but had that seem real.
Que parecen pasar volando.
That seem to fly by.
Cosas que parecen terribles heréticas.
Things that seem terrible, heretical.
"Por las cosas que parecen"
by things that seem
Cosas que parecen incambiables.
Things that seem unchangeable
No parecen hacer nada, no parecen interferirse en nada;
They seem to do nothing, they seem to interfere in nothing;
No son lo que parecen.
“They are not what they seem.”
Muchas cosas no son lo que parecen..., no son en absoluto lo que parecen.
Many things aren't what they seem - not what they seem at all.
Parecen otros, pero son nosotros,
They seemed others, but are we;
Eso es lo que parecen.
That's what it seems like."
Las cosas no son lo que parecen.
Things are not as they seem.
Parecen estar riendo.
They seem to be laughing.
Y parecen enfadados.
And they seem angry.
Todos parecen iguales.
They seem to be the same.
Escarbé en tus ficheros, que parecen ser falsos.
I dug into your records, Which appear to be fake.
Hay fracturas adicionales en las costillas que parecen ser más recientes.
There are additional fractures on the ribs which appear to be more recent.
Sumado a esto, persisten los rumores de deportación, que parecen no ser infundados.
In addition to all this, there are persistent rumors about deportations, which appear not to be unfounded.
Hay varios factores involucrados que parecen ser comunes a todos los casos.
There are several factors involved which appear to be similar in all of the cases.
Incluso las plantas que parecen inofensivas pueden tener defensas si se ven desde cerca.
Even plants which appear harmless may have defences if you look close enough.
bordeado de abetos que parecen saludarla al pasar,
"along the snowbound road edged with pine trees, "which appeared to hail her as she went,
y fuertes campos de energía que parecen estabilizarse...
And intense energy fields which appear to be...
la flota Pyriana está protegiendo a dos naves, que parecen estar llevando nuevos generadores de atmósfera.
the pyrian fleet is protecting two dropships, which appear to be carrying fresh atmosphere generators.
Hay momentos que parecen indicar cierto progreso.
There are moments which appear to indicate some kind of progress.
—Solo tenemos algunos fragmentos que parecen provenir de la parte de popa.
Just a few pieces, which appear to be from the stern section.
Me gustaría mencionar, en primer lugar, ciertos puntos que parecen muy sugestivos.
I would like first to mention certain points which appear to me suggestive.
Sucede que la locura ha resuelto estos conflictos sirviéndose de patrones ilegales que parecen ser de mayor calidad.
But insanity has solved these conflicts with illegal patterns which appear to be of higher quality.
No son lo que parecen.
They are not what they seem.
- las cosas no son lo que parecen.
- things aren't what they seem.
Mire lo felices que parecen.
Look how happy they seem.
Es lo que parecen creer.
They seem to think so.
Y que parecen geniales
They seem pretty cool.
Ellos no son lo que parecen.
They're not what they seem.
Muchas cosas no son lo que parecen..., no son en absoluto lo que parecen.
Many things aren't what they seem - not what they seem at all.
Las cosas no son lo que parecen.
Things are not as they seem.
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