Translation for "que fueron encontrados" to english
Que fueron encontrados
Translation examples
Las balas que fueron encontradas en el craneo de Teddy Keller, fueron de cobre cci .22s lavado.
The bullets that were found in Teddy keller's skull, were copper washed cci .22s.
Bueno, a lo mejor has oído hablar de los, uh, 12 esqueletos humanos que fueron encontrados en la Fuente Teversham.
Well, maybe you've heard of the, uh, 12 human skeletons that were found under the Teversham Fountata.
Entonces tenemos dos cuerpos que fueron encontrados a 1.000 millas de donde se los vio por última vez.
So we have two bodies that were found 1 000 miles from where they were last seen.
Así que introduje todo lo de las heridas y roturas que fueron encontradas en las dos victimas.
So I input all of the injuries and breaks that were found on both of the victims.
Estas coinciden exactamente con los moretones compactos... que fueron encontrados en el cuerpo de Blair.
These match exactly with the compact bruises that were found on Blair's body.
Tengo una lista de los contenidos que fueron encontrados en su estómago.
I've got a list of the contents that were found in her stomach.
¿Y nos puede decir, ahora, acerca de las huellas que fueron encontradas en el cantero?
And can you tell us, now, about the footprints that were found in the flower bed?
Hemos identificado los dos cuerpos radiactivos... que fueron encontrados en el montón de grava en Hertfordshire.
We've identified the two radioactive bodies... that were found in that gravel pit in Hertfordshire.
Sr. Moreland, no hemos podido identificar positivamente los restos que fueron encontrados.
Mr. Moreland, we haven't been able to positively identify the remains that were found.
Las bolsas rojas que fueron encontradas en los cuerpos eran de tipo médico, de riesgo biológico, para uso institucional.
The red bags that were found on the bodies... they were biohazard-grade, medical, institutional use.
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