Translation for "que coman" to english
Que coman
Translation examples
Estos delitos pueden consistir en que los animales de un campesino se coman los cultivos de otro, disputas por aguadas o hurtos de poca monta.
Such offences might involve one farmer's animals eating another farmer's crops, disputes over water points or minor cases of theft.
Un empleador debe velar por que se establezcan las condiciones adecuadas para que los empleados descansen y coman durante la pausa.
An employer must take care that adequate conditions are provided for the employees to rest and to eat during the break.
Parece posible, sin embargo, que la práctica tradicional de permitir que los hombres coman primero, y que las mujeres consuman únicamente los restos, ha contribuido al problema.
It seemed likely, however, that the traditional practice of allowing men to eat first, with women consuming only what was left over, had contributed to the problem.
Se aplica a la fundación y explotación de establecimientos donde se sirven comidas, bebidas o ambas cosas y donde las condiciones son adecuadas para que los clientes coman o beban en los locales.
It applies to the establishment and operation of establishments where food and/or drink are served and where the conditions are suitable for customers to eat and/or drink on the premises.
Digo "incultos" porque he exhortado a nuestro pueblo a que se levante y aplaste a la infamia y hagan que los invasores se coman sus palabras; pero estos jueces interpretaron que pedí que estrangularan a las personas.
I say "uneducated" because I have urged our people to rise and crush the invaders and to make them eat their words, but these judges thought I had called for the invaders to be strangled.
La reducción de los gastos en alimentos por parte de las familias de ingresos medianos y bajos ha hecho que los niños y adultos coman con menos frecuencia y sus alimentos sean menos diversos y de menor valor nutritivo.
Declines in food expenditures by middle- and low-income households have forced children and adults to eat less frequently and less diverse and nutrient rich foods.
Sin embargo, esto se acercaría peligrosamente a que el Consejo dijera a los miembros en general que coman tortas.
This, however, would be perilously close to the Council telling the general membership to eat cake.
Los correccionales de menores han de ofrecer una dieta adecuada y velar por que los menores coman lo suficiente y estén sanos.
Juvenile correctional facilities must provide an appropriate diet and ensure that juvenile offenders have enough to eat and stay healthy.
Dales algo para que coman.
Give them something to eat.
Y que coman antes de irse.
And they're welcome to eat before they go.
Necesitamos que coman su platano inmediatamente!
You all need to eat your banana immediately!
¿Puedes hacer que coman?
Can you get them to eat?
Queremos que coman.
We want you to eat.
Voy a buscar algo para que coman.
I'll fix you something to eat.
Intentamos hacer que coman todos juntos.
We try and encourage them to eat together.
¡Para que coman todos!
- For all of you to eat!
No puedo conseguir que coman.
I can't get them to eat.
Avisa para que no coman.
Advise against eating.
—¿Que coman con tenedor y todo eso?
Who eat with a fork and that?
para que coman sus frutos.
That they may eat of its fruit,
Coman, coman -Yakov les dio unos platos de campamento con pescado asado.
"Eat, eat." Yakov handed out camp plates of grilled fish.
¡Es preciso que unos se coman a otros!
One feels the need to eat the other!
Se quedarán hasta que coman.
They stay where there’s something to eat.”
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