Translation for "proporcionado con copia" to english
Proporcionado con copia
Translation examples
Aunque el Gobierno no ha facilitado documento alguno para respaldar su argumento, la fuente ha proporcionado una copia de la sentencia dictada contra el Sr. Houeiss.
While the Government has submitted no documents to back up its argument, the source has provided a copy of the sentence passed on Mr. Houeiss.
Ha proporcionado una copia del contrato entre Tripod e Iraqi Airways, una copia de los contratos de operaciones conjuntas entre John Laing y Tripod, justificantes de todos los costos que comprende la reclamación y una abundante correspondencia con ECGD.
It provided a copy of the contract between Tripod and Iraqi Airways, a copy of the joint venture contracts between John Laing and Tripod, supporting evidence for every cost comprising the claim, and extensive correspondence from the ECGD.
El contratista no ha proporcionado una copia de la recertificación del programa de calidad de la serie ISO 9000.
The contractor had not provided a copy of the recertification of the ISO 9000 series quality programme.
Como Germot no ha proporcionado una copia del subcontrato, el Grupo ha podido establecer el alcance exacto de las obras.
Since Germot did not provide a copy of the sub-contract, the Panel was unable to establish the precise scope of the works.
Sin embargo, el Comité observa que el Estado parte no ha proporcionado una copia del peritaje en cuestión ni explica en qué circunstancias y en qué contexto se realizó ese peritaje.
The Committee notes, however, that the State party has not provided a copy of the expertise in question nor explains in under what circumstances and in what context the expertise in question was carried out.
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