Translation for "proponerle matrimonio" to english
Proponerle matrimonio
Translation examples
Ha venido aquí a la prisión para proponerle matrimonio.
She came here to prison to propose marriage to you.
Y luego, cuando supe que su hermana, rechazando los intentos de mi hijo, lo había llevado hasta el punto de proponerle matrimonio, mis sentimientos se convirtieron en la angustia más profunda.
And then, when I found that your sister, by rejecting my son's advances, had brought him to the point of proposing marriage, my feelings were of the profoundest anguish.
Le digo a Dorothy que Richie está considerarndo proponerle matrimonio.
I tell Dorothy that Richie is considering proposing marriage--
A menos que, por supuesto, fuese para proponerle matrimonio.
Unless, of course, he was proposing marriage.
Acababa de proponerle matrimonio a una loca.
I had just proposed marriage to a madwoman.
Como si fueras un leproso que acaba de proponerle matrimonio.
As if you’re a leper who’s just proposed marriage.
él no tarda en proponerle matrimonio y la insta a escapar de Dublín.
soon, he proposes marriage, and he urges her to make her escape from Dublin.
Supongo que cualquier hombre se angustia cuando está a punto de proponerle matrimonio a una muchacha.
I suppose any man is when he comes to the point of proposing marriage.
—Edward —dijo Lorraine, que lo miró con una sonrisa cariñosa—, vas a proponerle matrimonio otra vez.
“Edward.” Lorraine smiled warmly at him. “You are going to propose marriage to her again.
Ahora me asombra pensar lo cerca que estuve, esa noche, de proponerle matrimonio. Y sin embargo, me contuve.
     It is astonishing to me now how nearly I came to proposing marriage that night and yet I refrained.
—Por alguna razón —continuó Bacon—, ella creía erróneamente que yo intentaba proponerle matrimonio esta noche.
"For some reason," Bacon continued, "she was under the misapprehension that I intended to propose marriage to her this evening.
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