Translation for "propia incompetencia" to english
Propia incompetencia
Translation examples
En primer lugar, su propia incompetencia hace que mi cliente sufra dolor y sufrimiento prolongado .
First, their own incompetence causes my client prolonged pain and suffering.
Y mi informe dirá que son meras excusas para ocultar su propia incompetencia.
And my report will say that they're merely excuses to mask your own incompetence.
No, fuimos aniquilados por nuestra propia incompetencia... y la inhabilidad de algunos para seguir...
No, we were annihilated by our own incompetence and the inability of some people to follow
¿Te atreves a dejar los frutos podridos de tu propia incompetencia en mi puerta?
You dare to lay the rotting fruits of your own incompetence at my door?
Nuestra propia negligencia, nuestra propia falta de deseo de pelear y nuestra propia incompetencia eso significa... que nuestros niños inocentes... tienen que pasar por esas dificultades en la flor de la juventud...
Our own neglect, our own lack of will, and own incompetence means that our own innocent children have to undergo these difficulties in the spring of their lives...
las compañias aereas pierden dinero por su propia incompetencia e ineficiencia.
The airline companies are losing money because of their own incompetence and their own inefficiency.
¿Que detestas tu propia incompetencia y estupidez?
That you detest your own incompetence and stupidity?
Por último, Sr. Stone ¿está dando testimonio en serio en beneficio del Sr. Zifrin o está buscando un chivo expiatorio para su propia incompetencia?
Finally, Mr. Stone, are you really testifying in Mr. Zifrirs behalf or are you simply looking for a scapegoat for your own incompetence?
¿Anunciáis así vuestra propia incompetencia?
Do you advertise your own incompetence?
Un invento ridículo de la policía para ocultar la propia incompetencia.
A wild fabrication the police made up to conceal their own incompetence.
Yo estaba tan desorientado que mi propia incompetencia terminó abrumándome.
I was so screwed up and was being buried alive by my own incompetence.
A Nick se le puso la cara tirante durante un segundo, por el pellizco de su propia incompetencia.
Nick's face was tight with regret for a second, the pinch of his own incompetence.
Pero tú no le haces ningún bien oponiéndote a unos cambios que tu propia incompetencia han hecho necesarios.
But you do it no good by opposing changes that your own incompetence have made necessary.
Sin el acicate de su propia incompetencia, ahora tenían una apreciación burlona de la lentitud del ciclo agrícola.
Lacking the goad of their own incompetence, they had settled into a wry appreciation of the slowness of the agricultural cycle.
Disgustado por su propia incompetencia, dejó caer las cucharillas en la mesa y se puso de pie.
D isgusted with his own incompetence, he dropped the spoons on the table and stood up.
Compartía con ella sus propios errores con un sentido del humor que hacía que se sintiera menos molesta por su propia incompetencia.
He shared his own mishaps with a sense of humor that made her less annoyed with her own incompetence.
pueden seguir suponiendo que morimos por culpa de nuestra propia incompetencia tras la estampida o nos sumimos en el sueño helado.
they can still assume that we died of our own incompetence after the stampede or went into cold sleep.
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