Translation for "popularidad extrema" to english
Popularidad extrema
Translation examples
Los chicos le atribuyen una clarividencia excepcional en estos asuntos; parece saber por puro instinto quién está fumando en el sótano y quién se ha ido sin permiso a montar en piragua al río Lawrence, pero, a pesar de toda su astucia, a pesar de todos sus hirientes sarcasmos, de sus cadenciosas regañinas y chasquidos de dedos, este andrógino azote de los alumnos goza de una popularidad extrema, y el mayor honor social al que puede aspirar un estudiante de sexto es a que se le invite a jugar al bridge en su estudio el sábado por la noche.
The boys credit him with second sight in such matters; he seems to know by instinct who is smoking in the cellar and who has gone canoeing on the Lawrence without leave. Yet for all his deviousness, for all his biting sarcasms, for all his lilting reprimands and snapping fingers, this epicene martinet is extremely popular, and to be asked to play bridge in his study on a Saturday night is deemed the highest social honor that a sixth former can attain.
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