Translation for "perdiendo batalla" to english
Perdiendo batalla
Translation examples
Maud está perdiendo batalla tras batalla.
Maud is losing battle after battle.
No si nuestro bando sigue perdiendo batallas como ayer.
Not if our side keeps losing battles like we did yesterday.
Michella sabía que estábamos en camino. Además, lleva años perdiendo batallas.
Michella knew we were coming, and she’s been losing battles for years.
Los siguientes años en la vida de la pequeña señora Ojos Negros fueron un periodo incierto y errátil, durante el cual su hermano y protector Babur galopó de aquí para allá, ganando batallas, perdiendo batallas, conquistando territorio, perdiéndolo otra vez, viéndose atacado por sus tíos, atacando a sus primos, padeciendo la reacción de sus primos, y volviendo a atacar a sus tíos, y detrás de todos estos asuntos de familia normales y corrientes, aguardaba la figura de su mayor enemigo, el incivilizado huérfano uzbeco, mercenario y azote de la casa de Timur, Ajenjo (es decir, «Shaibani») Kan.
The next few years in the life of little Lady Black Eyes were an unsettled, wandering time, during which her brother and protector Babar galloped back and forth, winning battles, losing battles, gaining territory, losing it again, being attacked by his uncles, attacking his cousins, being rounded upon by his cousins, and attacking his uncles again, and behind all these ordinary family matters there waited the figure of his greatest enemy, the savage Uzbeg orphan, soldier of fortune and plague of the house of Timur, Wormwood—which is to say “Shaibani”—Khan.
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