Translation for "pedí ver" to english
Pedí ver
  • i asked to see
Translation examples
i asked to see
Pedí ver a Margaret otra vez.
I asked to see Margaret again.
Pedí ver el cuerpo de Ontaveroz.
I asked to see the body of Ontaveroz.
Pedí ver el cadáver de mi padre.
"I asked to see my father's body.
Pedí ver al doctor —digo.
I asked to see the doctor,” I say.
Por eso pedí ver al capitán Poldark.
That's why I asked to see Captain Poldark.'
Cuando pedí ver a mi madre se asombraron.
When I asked to see my mother they seemed astonished.
Tratando de ocultar el pánico, pedí ver al director.
            Trying to mask panic, I asked to see the editor.
Sin comprometerme formalmente a semejante empresa, pedí ver a Howard.
While not formally agreeing to the undertaking, I asked to see Howard.
Al fin y al cabo, son una categoría aparte. Pedí ver la lista.
That's a separate category, after all." I asked to see that list.
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