Translation for "partido de futbol" to english
Translation examples
El 27 de febrero, por ejemplo, un artefacto de ese tipo explotĂł durante un partido de fĂștbol en el distrito de Wardhigley matando a 5 personas e hiriendo a otras 12.
On 27 February, for example, such a device exploded during a football game in Wardhigley District, killing five people and injuring 12.
El 9 de agosto de 2004, un grupo de jĂłvenes relacionados con las "Brigadas de Abu Rish" irrumpiĂł en la Escuela primaria "A" de Jan Yunis para organizar una serie de partidos de fĂștbol.
On 9 August 2004, a group of young men associated with the "Abu Rish brigades" forcibly entered the Khan Younis Elementary A School to organize a series of football games.
Durante años, el racismo y el antisemitismo en los partidos de fĂștbol en Europa han sido un fenĂłmeno cada vez mĂĄs perturbador.
For years, racism and anti-Semitism at European football games have been an increasingly disturbing phenomenon.
AdemĂĄs, se impusieron 2 sanciones por infracciĂłn debido a lemas con carĂĄcter discriminatorio en partidos de fĂștbol, una sanciĂłn en el ĂĄmbito del empleo y una sanciĂłn por denegar el acceso al mercado de la vivienda.
Also, 2 contraventional sanctions were registered for slogans with a discriminatory character during football games, one sanction in the field of employment and one sanction for denying access to the housing market.
El Relator Especial tambiĂ©n destaca las medidas adoptadas recientemente por la ConfederaciĂłn Brasileña de FĂștbol para prevenir el racismo en los partidos de fĂștbol y aumentar la sensibilizaciĂłn y la aceptaciĂłn social de todos en el campo de juego y en las gradas.
52. The Special Rapporteur also notes the recent measures taken by the Brazilian Football Federation to prevent racism in football games and increase the awareness of and social acceptance for all on the field and in the stands.
La Liga ha desarrollado y producido una aplicaciĂłn mĂłvil que permite a los espectadores detectar y denunciar actos racistas o antisemitas durante partidos de fĂștbol.
The League has developed and produced a mobile application that allows supporters to identify and denounce racist or anti-Semitic acts during football games.
Para entonces el fiscal ya lo habĂ­a acusado de pertenecer a un grupo terrorista y de haber intentado cometer atentados con explosivos en partidos de fĂștbol y campamentos de las fuerzas de seguridad.
At that point, the public prosecutor had already charged him with being a member of a terrorist group and attempting to bomb football games and security force camps.
En las semanas europeas de acciĂłn contra el racismo, al inicio de los partidos de fĂștbol, los jugadores y los ĂĄrbitros rumanos se ponen brazaletes y camisetas con mensajes contra la discriminaciĂłn.
During the European week of action against racism, at the beginning of the football games, Romanian players and referees wore bands and T-shirts with anti-discrimination messages.
La misma fuente explicĂł que, de hecho, los jĂłvenes se estaban preparando para un partido de fĂștbol.
The same source explained that the men were, in fact, preparing for a football game.
- Campaña de postales: los miembros de la Red de Mujeres distribuyeron alrededor de 2.000 tarjetas postales a favor de la campaña contra la trata de mujeres en los restaurantes donde se retransmitĂ­an los partidos de fĂștbol en directo.
Postcard campaign: The members of the Women's Network distributed about 2,000 postcard for the campaign against trafficking in women in restaurants that broadcast the football game live.
EstĂĄbamos en un partido de fĂștbol americano.
We were at the football game.
EstĂĄn viendo un partido de fĂștbol.
“They’re watching a football game.”
No es un partido de fĂștbol, Bill.
“It’s not a football game, Bill.
ÂżY un partido de fĂștbol americano no? ÂżNi el Oktoberfest?
“But not a football game? Not Oktoberfest?”
Como si se tratara de un partido de fĂștbol.
As if it were a football game.
Era como un partido de fĂștbol latinoamericano.
It was like a Latin American football game.
baile, hotel o partido de fĂștbol

Hop, hotel, or football game 

Fuimos a partidos de fĂștbol y a MĂ©xico.
We went to football games and to Mexico together.
No asistĂ­ a ningĂșn partido de fĂștbol.
I didn’t attend the football games.
Fuimos a clubes nocturnos, a un partido de fĂștbol.
We went to nightclubs, a football game.
El acusado gritĂł "Muerte a los ĂĄrabes" durante un partido de fĂștbol
The defendant screamed "Death to Arabs" in the midst of a soccer game.
Los acusados gritaron "Muerte a los ĂĄrabes" durante un partido de fĂștbol
The defendants screamed "Death to Arabs" in the midst of a soccer game.
- Intentos de provocar enfrentamientos violentos contra los visitantes extranjeros en un partido de fĂștbol gritando consignas nacionalsocialistas y xenĂłfobas;
Attempts to instigate violent riots against foreign visitors of a national soccer game by National Socialist and xenophobic slogans;
Se iniciaron investigaciones penales en una serie de casos de incitaciĂłn al racismo contra la poblaciĂłn ĂĄrabe en partidos de fĂștbol y se presentaron acusaciones.
Criminal investigations were opened in a number of cases of incitement to racism against the Arab population in soccer games, and indictments were filed.
Se han cancelado partidos de fĂștbol y otros eventos deportivos en los que participaba Israel, y se han organizado protestas.
Soccer games and other athletic events involving Israel have been cancelled or protests mounted.
Los acusados presuntamente gritaron "Muerte a los ĂĄrabes" durante un partido de fĂștbol.
The defendants were indicted for allegedly shouting "Death to Arabs" in the midst of a soccer game.
El acusado presuntamente gritĂł "Muerte a los ĂĄrabes" durante un partido de fĂștbol.
The defendant allegedly shouted "Death to Arabs" in the midst of a soccer game.
El acusado incitĂł al racismo tras gritar presuntamente "Muerte a los ĂĄrabes" durante un partido de fĂștbol.
The defendant was indicted for incitement to racism after he allegedly shouted "Death to Arabs" in the midst of a soccer game.
Se olvidaron los partidos de fĂștbol.
The soccer games were forgotten.
ÂżQuĂ© tal en el partido de fĂștbol?
How about after the soccer game?
—El miĂ©rcoles Foster tiene partido de fĂștbol.
“Wednesday is Foster’s soccer game.
Por lo que veo, el partido de fĂștbol se ha acabado.
“I see the soccer game is over.”
—PapĂĄ, el sĂĄbado tengo partido de fĂștbol.
“Daddy, I’ve got a soccer game on Saturday.
Y despuĂ©s, por la tarde, hay un partido de fĂștbol en la universidad.
Then there’s a soccer game at the university this afternoon.”
TambiĂ©n han sido frecuentes los actos de discriminaciĂłn en el deporte, especialmente en los partidos de fĂștbol.
Discriminatory acts in sports, especially during football matches, have also been frequently registered.
Por ejemplo, en 1992 Nigeria jugĂł un partido de fĂștbol contra SudĂĄfrica.
For example, in 1992, Nigeria played a football match against South Africa.
Ello no es sino un reflejo, tanto del rigor de los criterios reglamentarios que hay que satisfacer, como de la disminuciĂłn de la violencia en los partidos de fĂștbol.
This reflects both the strict statutory criteria which must be satisfied and a decline in violence at football matches.
Que los partidos de fĂștbol mencionados a que se refiere este caso son organizados por una entidad privada.
that the football matches referred to in the present case are organized by a private organization.
Se llevaron a cabo diversas actividades, incluido el partido de fĂștbol por la paz y la seguridad antes mencionado.
A series of activities took place, including the above-mentioned football match for peace and security.
SensibilizaciĂłn del pĂșblico: 30.000 personas con ocasiĂłn de un importante concierto y otras 10.000 durante un partido de fĂștbol de nivel regional;
Public awareness: 30,000 people at a major concert and 10,000 at a regional football match;
CĂŽte d'Ivoire organizĂł un partido de fĂștbol en que se enfrentaron periodistas de diversos Ăłrganos de prensa.
18. Cîte d’Ivoire organized a football match between journalists from various press centres.
Se organizan tambiĂ©n giras de un dĂ­a y partidos de fĂștbol contra otras instituciones docentes.
One-day trips and football matches against other educational institutions are also organized.
b) Partidos de fĂștbol de Europa contra el África unida, etc.
b) Europe versus United Africa football match, etc
En Internet hay amplios informes de incidentes de racismo en partidos de fĂștbol.
Racist incidents at football matches had been widely reported on the Internet.
Estaba en un partido de fĂștbol con el señor Nkoma.
I was at a football match with Mr. Nkoma.
En la televisiĂłn estĂĄn dando un partido de fĂștbol sin sonido.
A football match is muted on the television.
Y el CapitĂĄn Zanahoria estĂĄ organizando un partido de fĂștbol.
And Captain Carrot is organizing a football match.
ÂżUn partido de fĂștbol y un desacuerdo absurdo con un ĂĄrbitro?
A football match and a wild disagreement with a referee?
HabĂ­a salido a ver un partido de fĂștbol.
He had been out to see a football match.
–TraicionĂł a Dios en el partido de fĂștbol. Yo estaba presente.
He betrayed God at the football match. I was present.
Ha visto miles de partidos de fĂștbol en su vida.
He’s seen thousands of football matches in his life.
Conversaron un momento sobre un partido de fĂștbol reciente.
They had a brief conversation about a recent football match.
Se ha ido a un partido de fĂștbol, a quince kilĂłmetros de aquĂ­.
Gone to a football match fifteen kilometres away.
ParecĂ­a un partido de fĂștbol o disturbios producidos por una secta.
It sounded like a football match or a sectarian riot.
Las festividades culminaron con un partido de fĂștbol entre Mozambique y Nigeria.
The festivities culminated with a soccer match between Mozambique and Nigeria.
Por consiguiente, se presentaron acusaciones contra individuos acusados de gritar insultos racistas en partidos de fĂștbol.
Consequently, indictments were filed against defendants who shouted racial remarks during soccer matches.
174. AdemĂĄs, el Gobierno prohibiĂł la utilizaciĂłn del estadio a fin de mantenerlo en condiciones para un partido de fĂștbol que estaba previsto en octubre.
174. The Government had also prohibited the use of the stadium on the grounds of maintaining it for a soccer match which was to take place in October.
En julio de 2005, se introdujo una enmienda legislativa que prohibĂ­a especĂ­ficamente hacer comentarios racistas en los partidos de fĂștbol.
In July 2005, a legislative amendment had introduced specific prohibition of racist utterances at soccer matches.
La mayorĂ­a de la poblaciĂłn indofijiana asiste a los partidos de fĂștbol entre equipos de dos distritos, pero tambiĂ©n hay muchos fijianos indĂ­genas entre los espectadores.
The bulk of the Indo-Fijian population will turn up to watch a soccer match between two districts, but the presence of indigenous Fijian spectators is also significant.
Esto formaba parte de los trabajos ya previstos e iniciados antes de los sucesos, como preparaciĂłn del estadio para un partido de fĂștbol el 11 de octubre entre Guinea y Burkina Faso.
This was said to be part of work that had already been planned and initiated prior to the events in order to prepare the stadium for a soccer match on 11 October between Guinea and Burkina Faso.
Se organizĂł 1 partido de fĂștbol, se distribuyeron 2.000 folletos y 2.500 tarjetas, y se instalaron 20 pancartas para promover cuestiones de orden pĂșblico
Organized a soccer match and distributed 2,000 flyers and 2,500 cards and installed 20 banners to promote law and order issues
Por tanto se presentaron inculpaciones contra individuos acusados de gritar "Mueran los ĂĄrabes" en partidos de fĂștbol.
Consequently, indictments were filed against defendants who shouted "Death to the Arabs" during soccer matches.
b) El Centro de InformaciĂłn de las Naciones Unidas en BogotĂĄ organizĂł acontecimientos de la campaña "LevĂĄntate" en varios partidos de fĂștbol, en que participaron mĂĄs de 60.000 personas;
(b) The United Nations Information Centre in BogotĂĄ organized Stand Up events at several soccer matches, spurring participation by more than 60,000 people;
EstĂĄbamos jugando un partido de fĂștbol.
We were playing a soccer match.
Estaba viendo un partido de fĂștbol en la tele.
He was watching a soccer match on the box.
ÂżBibliotecas, pelĂ­culas, torneos de ajedrez, partidos de fĂștbol?
Libraries, movies, chess tournaments, soccer matches?
Tu padre, como siempre, los habĂ­a llevado a un partido de fĂștbol.
Your father had taken them to a soccer match as usual.
Un alumno se escapa cuando lo mandan a un partido de fĂștbol.
A prefect simply runs away when he’s sent to a soccer match.
La mayorĂ­a de quienes no estaban dormidos estaban escuchando la transmisiĂłn de un partido de fĂștbol.
most who weren’t asleep were listening to a championship soccer match.
No se trataba de la clase de furgonetas en que las mamĂĄs transportaban a sus hijos a los partidos de fĂștbol.
It wasn't the kind of minivan in which moms hauled their children to soccer matches.
Se hartĂł de invitarlo a los partidos de fĂștbol mĂĄs prestigiosos, pero a Charles se la pelaban.
He started inviting him to high-profile soccer matches, but Charles had no interest.
Martin no respondiĂł, representĂĄndose con una pizca de entusiasmo el partido de fĂștbol del dĂ­a siguiente.
Martin said nothing, but visualized with a stab of excitement tomorrow’s soccer match.
Aquella superficie rectangular llevaba todavĂ­a las huellas de los partidos de fĂștbol que habĂ­an disputado allĂ­ mismo.
That rectangular patch of dirt still bore the marks of their soccer matches.
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