Translation for "para mudarse a" to english
Para mudarse a
Translation examples
Apoyo para mudarse a un hogar colectivo
Support for moving into a group home
39. Los refugiados pueden, posteriormente, mudarse a otros municipios.
39. Refugees may choose to move to another municipality subsequently.
111. Los refugiados pueden decidir ulteriormente mudarse a otro municipio.
111. Refugees may choose to move to another municipality subsequently.
Cualificación para mudarse a una vivienda permanente de alquiler
Granting qualifications for moving into a permanent rental house
Después la acosaron hasta tal punto que tuvo que mudarse a Trípoli.
She was later harassed to such an extent that she had to move to Tripoli.
Para mudarse, deben seguir los procedimientos legales correspondientes.
They need to go through due legal procedures when they want to move residence.
Sólo una pequeña proporción de estas mujeres deciden mudarse a un refugio.
Only a small proportion of these women choose to move into a shelter.
La familia que va a mudarse ocupará el noveno apartamento del barrio.
The family slated to move in was to be given the ninth apartment in the neighbourhood.
No habría opción para marcharse, para elegir otra cosa, para mudarse a Suiza y empezar una nueva vida.
It wouldn't be a choice, to walk away, to choose something else, to move to Switzerland and start another life.
George W. Bush parecía seguir los pasos de su padre, el uso de conexiones de Prescott de negocios para mudarse a Texas y entrar en la industria petrolera.
George Bush seemed to follow in his father's footsteps, using Prescott's business connections to move to Texas and get into the oil industry.
No quiere irse. Pero ha hecho planes para mudarse a Denver, en caso de que hoy pierda, para estar cerca de su hijo.
She doesn't want to leave here, but she's already made plans to move to Denver in case she loses today to be near her son
¿Qué sucederá cuando su mujer este lista para mudarse a su Villa de la Toscana?
What happens when your wife's ready to move to her villa?
Y mientras me apresuraba para rescatar tu historia, Tu abuela y abuelo dejaron sus empleos, sacaron de sus ahorros, y abandonaron todo para mudarse a Newfoundland y luchar por tu futuro.
And while I raced to rescue your history, your grandma and grandpa quit their jobs, dug into their savings, and gave up everything to move to Newfoundland to fight for your future.
Bueno, razones para mudarse a París.
So, reasons to move to Paris.
Ella y Anthony se preparaban para mudarse a Atlanta.
She and Anthony were getting ready to move to Atlanta.
Ha dejado toda su vida para mudarse a Pawnee por este trabajo.
She uprooted her whole life to move to Pawnee for this job.
- ¿Estabas destrozada porque te dejaba para mudarse a Florida?
Were you just heartbroken 'cause he was leaving you to move to Florida?
De seguro tuvo una buena razón para mudarse a Londres.
He probably has a good reason to move to London.
¿Tendrá que mudarse?
Will she have to move?
—Ella tendría que mudarse.
She needs to move out.
Sus amigos le habían dicho que mudarse allí sería como mudarse a la jungla.
Her friends told her moving to Baltimore would be like moving to the jungle.
Si no podían mudarse todos juntos, ella no quería mudarse.
If they couldn’t make the move together, she didn’t want to make the move at all.
—¿Está pensando en mudarse?
‘Are you thinking of moving?’
O mudarse a Estados Unidos.
Or move to the United States.
Tu padre tendrá que mudarse.
“Your father will have to move.”
Era como mudarse a otra ciudad.
It was like moving to a new city.
Sí, era hora de mudarse.
Yes, time to move out.
Johnnie va a mudarse;
Johnnie is on the move;
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