Translation for "no tener apetito" to english
No tener apetito
  • not have an appetite
  • no appetite
Translation examples
not have an appetite
Parecían tener apetitos insaciables y eran capaces de consumir hasta media decena de buenas comidas al día.
They seemed to have insatiable appetites and were able to consume up to half a dozen big meals a day.
Hambriento, se preguntó cómo podía tener apetito tras el macabro asunto que acababa de realizar.
Ravenous, he wondered how he could have an appetite after the gruesome business he had just concluded.
Pero ¿cómo hacía don Serafino para tener apetito si doña Eleonora estaba siempre delante de él en sus pensamientos, como si fuera de carne y hueso?
But how could don Serafino have any appetite with donna Eleonora always in the forefront of his mind as though she were present in the flesh?
Fuera cual fuese la causa de su desaparición, el cheque no estaba allí, y su pérdida ensamblaba perfectamente con los demás fallos de la cena: mi fallo al no tener apetito para el fastuoso plateau des fruits de mer que me pusieron delante, la ausencia de toda risa ni siquiera forzada, y, por último, mi falta virtualmente absoluta de conversación.
Whatever the reason for its disappearance, the check was gone, and its loss dovetailed well with the other failures of the dinner: my failure to have an appetite for the grand plateau de fruits de mer placed before me, failure of even forced laughter and, at last, virtually total failure of speech.
no appetite
Ella se extrañó de no tener apetito esta vez.
Judith was surprised that this time she was the one with no appetite.
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