Translation for "no reaccionaba" to english
No reaccionaba
  • did not react
  • not react
Translation examples
did not react
No reaccionaba cuando le hablaban.
If he was spoken to, he did not react.
El ordenador no reaccionaba como los humanos.
The all-pervasive computer did not react in the manner of a human.
—ella no reaccionaba—. ¿La mandaste?
When she did not react, he said, “Did you post it?”
Al ver que la joven no reaccionaba, volvió a guardarlo.
The young woman did not react and he put it away again.
Mas Lijachov no reaccionaba y retornaba de nuevo al silencio.
But Likhachev, plunged once more into silence, did not react.
Al ver que la mujer no reaccionaba, acercó la silla a la cama.
When she did not react, he carried the chair over to the side of the bed.
not react
78. La delegación afirmó que el Ministerio del Interior reaccionaba ante cada caso que llegaba a su conocimiento en que se hubieran vertido expresiones de odio.
The delegation stated that the Ministry of the Interior reacted to every reported occurrence of hate speech.
32. Se recordó que la ionosfera terrestre reaccionaba fuertemente ante la intensa radiación de rayos X y la radiación ultravioleta emitidas por el Sol durante los fenómenos solares.
It was recalled that the Earth's ionosphere reacted strongly to the intense X-ray and ultraviolet radiation released by the Sun during solar events.
El mercado reaccionaba ante tales acontecimientos y respondía con mayores esfuerzos por desarrollar y comercializar alternativas adecuadas.
The market was reacting to such developments and responding with increased efforts to develop and commercialize suitable alternatives.
La ionosfera reaccionaba fuertemente con la intensa radiación X y ultravioleta emitida por el Sol durante las erupciones solares, las tormentas solares o las eyecciones de masa coronal.
The ionosphere reacted strongly to the intense X-ray and ultraviolet radiation released by the Sun during a solar flare, solar storm or coronal mass ejection.
Sus actividades se limitaban a examinar las quejas de los ciudadanos, y ni supervisaba los derechos humanos ni reaccionaba ante violaciones de derechos humanos que recibían amplia atención del público.
Its activities were narrowed to consideration of citizens' complaints and it neither conducted human rights monitoring nor reacted to address cases of human rights violations that received a wide public attention.
Sin embargo, la CEEAC señaló la lentitud del COPAX, que reaccionaba con dificultad, y recomendó que se modificase su mecanismo de funcionamiento.
However, noting that the Council was cumbersome and slow to react, ECCAS recommended that its operating mechanism should be changed.
Comprobamos que la inmensa mayoría de nuestros interlocutores reaccionaba favorablemente.
We noted that the overwhelming majority of our partners reacted positively.
En particular, cuando el Sr. D. U. se ocupaba de clientas, la autora reaccionaba demostrando celos, lo que hacía que sus colegas y los clientes se sintiesen incómodos.
In particular, when Mr. D.U. dealt with female customers, the author would react to it, showing signs of jealousy and causing disturbance to colleagues and customers.
A ese respecto, las medidas que repercutían negativamente en los derechos humanos probablemente serían desproporcionadas, puesto que tendrían efectos que no guardarían proporción con el daño sufrido por el Estado que reaccionaba.
In that connection, measures adversely affecting human rights would likely be disproportionate, as they would have effects that were not commensurate with the injury suffered by the reacting State.
La aguja de la brújula que sorprendía a la gente durante un milenio no reaccionaba hacia algo lejano en el polo norte magnético.
The compass needle that people wondered at for a thousand years was not reacting to some far away magnetic North Pole.
Haplo ya no reaccionaba a nada.
Haplo wasn’t reacting to anything.
Reaccionaba al agua salada.
It reacted to salt water.
Panille no reaccionaba correctamente.
Panille was not reacting correctly.
Al menos Pinback reaccionaba.
At least Pinback reacted.
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