Translation for "ni siquiera remotamente" to english
Ni siquiera remotamente
Translation examples
not even remotely
Aunque Etiopía ha comenzado a valerse por sí misma no podemos pretender ni siquiera remotamente que hayamos empezado a encarar los desafíos importantes que todavía nos enfrentan.
Even though Ethiopia has now started to stand on its own feet, we cannot pretend that we have even remotely begun to address the major challenges still facing us.
Por último, toda medida que adopte la Asamblea General tendría que asegurar que no rompe inadvertidamente y ni siquiera remotamente, en las palabras de Jurgen Habernas, "los límites civilizantes que la Carta de las Naciones Unidas fijó con buenas razones al proceso de realización de los objetivos".
Finally any decision taken by the General Assembly would need to ensure that it does not inadvertently or even remotely, in the words of Jurgen Habermas, "break the civilizing bounds which the Charter of the United Nations placed with good reason upon the process of goal-realization".
El grupo de derechos humanos más importante del Congo, la Asociación Africana para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, que funciona clandestinamente desde que el Gobierno la prohibió en abril, dijo que el Gobierno ‘explotaba de forma abusiva los sentimientos patrióticos para incitar a la población a actos ciegos de violencia contra cualquier sospechoso de ser un rebelde o un tutsi o de estar siquiera remotamente conectado con la rebelión’.”
“Congo's most prominent human rights-group — the African Association for Defense of Human Rights, which operates clandestinely since the government banned it in April — said the government ‘abusively exploited patriotic feelings to incite the population to blind acts of violence against anyone suspected of being a rebel, a Tutsi or connected even remotely with the rebellion.’”
La humanidad no se ha enfrentado a ninguna forma de guerra que plantee peligros que puedan compararse, siquiera remotamente, con los que entraña el uso de armas nucleares, que añade una dimensión aterradora a las posibilidades de una catástrofe mundial.
No form of warfare has confronted humanity with dangers even remotely comparable with the dangers unleashed by the use of nuclear weapons, which adds a frightening dimension to the potentialities for worldwide catastrophe.
El Gobierno señaló además que, un año después de la exitosa celebración de elecciones democráticas en Sierra Leona, no se había informado de hostilidades armadas en Sierra Leona que pudieran estar siquiera remotamente vinculadas a Liberia.
The Government further noted that almost one year after successful democratic elections were held in Sierra Leone, there had been no reports of armed hostilities in Sierra Leone that could be even remotely linked to Liberia.
Desde su comienzo, las conversaciones se caracterizaron por extensas declaraciones del lado iraquí, para las cuales no se invitó, aceptó o aparentemente deseaba una respuesta siquiera remotamente comparable; hubo momentos abusivos e insultantes para la UNSCOM y sus funcionarios profesionales; un intento de prácticamente culpar de todo a la UNSCOM del pasado y del presente por el hecho de que no se había completado la tarea del desarme y que las sanciones contra el Iraq permanecían en vigor.
The talks were characterized, from the beginning, by: extended statements by the Iraqi side to which no even remotely equal reply was invited, accepted or apparently wanted; moments of abuse and denigration of UNSCOM and its professional officers; an attempt literally to apportion all blame to UNSCOM, past and present, for the fact that the disarmament task had not been completed and sanctions on Iraq remained in force.
Eric Cartman eres guapo y ni siquiera remotamente gordo..
Eric cartman,you are handsome and not even remotely fat.
Está atrapado en un disco ISO ni siquiera remotamente conectado a nuestro sistema.
It's trapped on an ISO drive not even remotely connected to our system.
Quiero decir, en serio, no es ni siquiera remotamente sincero o poético.
I mean, seriously, it's not even remotely heartfelt or poetic.
era algo que ni siquiera remotamente se asemejaba a uno.
It was something not even remotely resembling one.
Nadie me comprendió, ni siquiera remotamente.
Nobody else understood, even remotely.
Ningún plan siquiera remotamente atractivo.
There was no plan even remotely attractive.
Era obvio, pero yo no me lo había imaginado siquiera remotamente.
It was obvious, but it had never even remotely crossed my mind.
La seducción no figuraba ni siquiera remotamente en su orden del día.
Seduction was not even remotely on her agenda.
Yo jamás había pensado, siquiera remotamente, en semejante posibilidad.
I had never even remotely considered such a possibility.
—No sospechaba, ni siquiera remotamente, que estuvieran tan perfectamente organizados.
I did not even remotely suspect that they were so perfectly organized.
Nada ni siquiera remotamente parecido le había acontecido en toda la vida.
Nothing even remotely similar had happened to him in all of his years.
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