Translation for "nacido en él" to english
Translation examples
Y sintió miedo. De pronto, era como si hubiera nacido de nuevo y la espada mágica hubiera nacido con él.
And then he felt afraid. It was suddenly as if he had been born again and that this runesword was born with him.
Mientras comía, habló de la caída del precio de la lana, y de la provincia de Corrientes donde había nacido, y de Alemania, donde su padre había nacido antes que él. —¿Es inglés? —me preguntó—.
As he ate, he talked about the wool-slump, and the province of Corrientes where he was born, and Germany where his father was born before him. ‘You English?’ he asked.
Cuando pasé la niñez le había dejado y había nacido en él el odio sombrío e implacable hacia los pieles rojas de las praderas.
When it was over, boyhood had left him and there was born in him the stern, grim hatred of the red men of the plains.
Su primer hijo había nacido un año después del día de su casamiento, y Kueilan, que se sentía antojadiza antes de que hubiera nacido el niño, dio a luz fácilmente, aunque con muchos gritos y quejidos.
His first son was born a year after his marriage day, and Kueilan, who was pettish before the child was born, delivered him easily although with much wailing and screaming.
Seis de ellos (K. P., nacido en 1975; I. M. F. nacido en 1978; N. V., nacido en 1978; M. S., nacido en 1974; M. J., nacida en 1971; y R. J., nacido en 2007) son ciudadanos de Sri Lanka de etnia tamil.
Six of them (Mr. K.P., born in 1975; Mr. I.M.F., born in 1978; Mr. N.V., born in 1978; Mr. M.S., born in 1974; Ms. M.J., born in 1971; and R.J., born in 2007) are Sri Lankan citizens of Tamil ethnicity.
El hijo nacido en la cárcel no queda registrado como hijo nacido en la cárcel.
The child born in prison is not registered as born in prison.
Nacidos en Suecia con uno o ambos progenitores nacidos en Suecia
Born in Sweden with one/both parents born in Sweden
1. Los autores son: Petr Kuznetsov, nacido en 1981; Yury Zakharenko, nacido en 1959; Anatoly Poplavny, nacido en 1958; Vasily Polyakov, nacido en 1969; y Vladimir Katsora, nacido en 1957, todos ellos nacionales de Belarús.
1. The authors are Petr Kuznetsov, born in 1981; Yury Zakharenko, born in 1959; Anatoly Poplavny, born in 1958; Vasily Polyakov, born in 1969; and Vladimir Katsora, born in 1957, all Belarusian nationals.
Jesse nacida de Miriam, quien había nacido de Alice, quien había nacido de Carlotta, quien había nacido de Jane Marie, quien había nacido de Anne, quien había nacido de Janet Belle, quien había nacido de Elizabeth, quien había nacido de Louise, quien había nacido de Francés, quien había nacido de Frieda, quien había nacido de…
Jesse born of Miriam, who was born of Alice, who was born of Carlotta, who was born of Jane Marie, who was born of Anne, who was born of Janet Belle, who was born of Elizabeth, who was born of Louise, who was born of Frances, who was born of Frieda, who was born of—
«Frieda, nacida de Dagmar, nacida de…»
“Frieda born of Dagmar, born of . . . ”
Esa voz ha nacido de la magia, ha nacido del saber.
That voice is born of the magic, born of the lore.
Que hayamos nacido. Que hayamos nacido de otros que nosotros mismos.
That we were born. That we were born of others than ourselves.
Este sentimiento no es algo con lo que hayas nacido, aunque sí has nacido con él.
This sense isn't just something you're born with, although you are born with it.
He nacido para esto.
I was born for this.
No han nacido para eso.
They're not born to it.::
Nacido al caminar por las calles, nacido al sentarse en un café, nacido al echarse encima de una puta.
Born while walking the streets, born while sitting in a cafe, born while lying over a whore.
Había nacido para militar, pero, sobre todo, había nacido para ostentar el mando.
He was born to be a soldier, but more than that; he was born to lead soldiers.
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