Translation for "miedo y temblor" to english
Miedo y temblor
Translation examples
O habrá miedo y temblor en esta clase, la cual tenia el nombre del libro que se supone que tenias que leer.
Or there will be fear and trembling In this classroom, which was the name of the book That you were supposed to read.
"dondeyoestabacon miedo y temblor ".
"where I stood in fear and trembling."
—Vivo entre miedos y temblores —dijo Denton, entre dos cucharadas de sopa—.
‘I live in fear and trembling,’ Denton said, through the soup.
Jamás hubiera creído que fuese lo bastante inteligente como para querer suicidarse. —Miedo y temblor.
I wouldn't think she was bright enough to want to kill herself." "Fear and trembling.
La tarde se acercaba..., la tarde del eclipse, tan largamente esperada por él con miedo y temblores—.
Evening was coming on-the evening of the eclipse, so long awaited by him with fear and trembling.
Por maravillosamente versátil que sea la Madre Naturaleza, ni siquiera ella ha conseguido evolucionar un organismo complejo con un sistema nervioso capaz de resistir toda una vida de miedo y temblores.
Wonderfully versatile though Mother Nature is, even she hasn't managed to evolve a complex organism with a nervous system capable of withstanding a whole lifetime of fear and trembling.
Y qué buen ejercicio para superar los miedos y temblores de un joven viajero que acababa de dejar su hogar y se encontraba en la frontera entre el pasado escrito y el futuro en blanco.
And what a good sport it was for overcoming the fears and trembles of a young traveler who had just left home and found himself standing at the border crossing between the written past and the unwritten future.
El caso del asesinato del escarabajo y El idiota estaban juntos. Nancy Drew y la escalera escondida se hallaba encima de Miedo y temblor.) Incluso si un equipo resuelto de pintores, dotados de un corazón fuerte, hubiese sido capaz de entenderse con las estanterías de libros, las propias paredes, directamente tras ellas, hubieran hecho devolver su tarjeta del sindicato a cualquier artesano que se respetara.
"The Scarab Murder Case" and "The Idiot" were together, "Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase" lay on top of "Fear and Trembling.") Even if a resolute and unusually stout-hearted team of painters had been able to deal with the bookcases, the walls themselves, directly behind them, might well have made any self-respecting artisan turn in his union card.
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