Translation for "micoproteína" to english
Translation examples
—Emily dice que la micoproteína es un hongo.
Emily told me mycoprotein is a fungus.
Cuando llegaron a casa, su madre estaba friendo tortitas de micoproteína con pimienta.
By the time they arrived home, Gaia's mother was frying peppered mycoprotein patties.
Recibirás doble cantidad semanal de micoproteína, agua, tela, velas y combustible.
You will receive a double quota of weekly mycoprotein, water, cloth, candles, and fuel.
Nosotros utilizamos la energía solar y la energía geotérmica para fabricar micoproteína y purificar el agua.
We harnessed the solar and geothermal energy that we needed to grow the mycoprotein and purify the water.
A continuación les sirvió zanahorias y nabos cocidos, tortitas de micoproteína y tazones de yogur—.
A dish of cooked carrots and turnips arrived next, with a small mycoprotein patty and a cup of yogurt.
Ni siquiera los labradores entraban con regularidad, sino únicamente cuando llevaban las cosechas a los almacenes de la fábrica de micoproteína.
Not even the farm laborers entered except when they brought in the harvests to store in the warehouses near the mycoprotein plant.
—No creo que eso ocurra. Una vez el granizo nos arruinó la cosecha de trigo pero, incluso entonces, tuvimos un montón de micoproteína.
I don't think so. We had the wheat ruined by hail once, but even then, there was plenty of mycoprotein.
A las diez y media, una explosión en la fábrica de micoproteína se oyó dentro y fuera del muro. Gaia miró a Leon.
At ten-thirty, an explosion in the mycoprotein plant was audible all the way outside the wall. Gaia looked at Leon.
Quizá los tres bebés ascendidos de su sector eran un simple pago por el agua, la micoproteína y la electricidad que el Enclave proporcionaba.
Perhaps the three advanced babies from their sector were simply payment for the water, mycoprotein, and electricity the Enclave gave them all.
Además, hubo flagelaciones públicas, de un adolescente enamorado que había tratado de entrar en casa de su amada y de una mujer que había contaminado un tanque de micoproteína en la fábrica.
There were public floggings, too, for a teenage lover who was caught sneaking into a girl's home, and a woman who carelessly contaminated a vat of mycoprotein at the factory.
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