Translation for "meramente decorativa" to english
Meramente decorativa
Translation examples
¿Son esos tatuajes meramente decorativos?
Are these tattoos merely decorations?
Si sientes que tu valor es ser meramente decorativa... temo que algún día puedas creer que eso es lo único que eres.
If you feel your value lies in being merely decorative... I fear that someday you might find yourself... believing that's all that you really are.
Los cambios no eran meramente decorativos, sino que poseían cierta magia.
The changes were not merely decorative; there was magic in them.
Además Alldera desconfiaba y despreciaba lo meramente decorativo.
Besides, Alldera had a strong contempt for and distrust of the merely decorative.
Val había tenido que mostrar la empuñadura para demostrar que era meramente decorativa cuando subió a bordo.
Val had had to show the hilt to prove that it was merely decorative when she boarded.
Magnus se puso rígido al darse cuenta: las flores lunares que bordeaban el borde del escenario no eran meramente decorativas.
Magnus stiffened with realization: the moonflowers lining the edge of the stage weren’t merely decorative.
Era una valla meramente decorativa; no estaba pensada para evitar que la gente entrara, pero creaba un reducido espacio oculto.
The fence was merely decorative, not really designed to keep people out. But it created a small, concealed space.
La chaqueta estaba sucia pero intacta, aunque le faltaban todos los botones, incluso los de las mangas, que eran meramente decorativos.
My coat was filthy though intact, but all its buttons were gone, even the buttons that had graced the sleeves and had been no longer of any use and were merely decorative.
Mi abuelo usaba Brylcreem, y el antimacasar en su butaca Parker Knoll —un modelo de respaldo alto, con brazos sobre los cuales dormitar— no era meramente decorativo.
My grandfather was a Brylcreem man, and the antimacassar on his Parker Knoll armchair—a high-backed number with wings for him to snooze against—was not merely decorative.
Y a veces en los desplegables aparecían hombres desnudos (meramente decorativos, nunca la atracción principal), igual que en las instantáneas del compendio anual Sexo en el Cine.
And there were sometimes nude men in the Playboy layouts (merely decorative and never the main attraction) as well as in the stills from their annual Sex in Cinema roundup.
La barbilla se «lleva» de manera arrogante, como si fuera una prenda de vestir, porque la figura humana es meramente decorativa, igual que el pie de la momia usado como pisapapeles en Gautier.
The chin is arrogantly “worn” like a piece of clothing because the human figure is merely decorative, like the mummy’s foot used as a paperweight in Gautier.
Puede que las estructuras consensuales que tranquilizan a la población estén huecas y sean meramente decorativas, pero continúan estando en su sitio, de modo que el público, que ansía que le den seguridad psicológica y cierto sentido de bienestar, puede convencerse de que el imperio de la ley sigue en pie.
The reassuring consensual structures may now be hollowed out and merely decorative, but they are all still in place, so that the bystanders, who crave psychological security and a sense of well-being, can persuade themselves that the rule of law is being upheld.
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