Translation for "maravillosa idea" to english
Maravillosa idea
Translation examples
Era una maravillosa idea, en efecto.
It certainly was a most wonderful idea.
   —Por esa maravillosa idea que se te ocurrió...
For that wonderful idea you came up with amp;
Me dirigí a casa y en el camino se me ocurrió una maravillosa idea.
I walked homeward and on the way had a wonderful idea.
Aquello le dio a Elsie Darnell una maravillosa idea… aunque no se la contó a George.
This gave Elsie Darnell a wonderful idea—although she did not mention it to George.
Cuando pensó en lo único que arrojaba una sombra sobre la maravillosa idea que se le había ocurrido, se interrumpió y gimió.
She stopped and even groaned, as the one thing that threw a wrench in that wonderful idea suddenly occurred to her.
—La búsqueda estelar fue una maravillosa idea, una idea que nos dio esperanzas, que hizo este exilio más soportable.
The star-search was a wonderful idea, one that gave us hope, made this exile more bearable.
Le mandé al cuerno cuando se presentó con la maravillosa idea de internarme indefinidamente en Broadmoor.
I told him to get stuffed when he came up with his wonderful idea to get me an indefinite stay at Broadmoor.
—¡Oh, qué maravillosa idea! —Toller se llevó una mano a la frente, por si su sarcasmo había pasado inadvertido—.
"Wonderful idea!" Toller clapped a hand to his forehead in case his sarcasm had not been noticed.
Nadie parecía prestarle atención ya mientras rodaba lentamente por la calle, y en aquel momento me asaltó súbitamente una maravillosa idea.
no one seemed to be paying any attention to it now, as it rolled slowly up the streetÐand in that moment I was suddenly struck by a wonderful idea.
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