Translation for "manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda" to english
Manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda
  • hands entwined behind the back
  • hands clasped behind his back
Translation examples
hands clasped behind his back
Baran se detuvo y alzó la cabeza, con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda.
Baran halted and raised his head, hands clasped behind his back.
Stanley no lo vio, sino que se acercó a la barandilla y miró hacia la bahía, con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda.
Stanley did not see him but walked over to the rail and looked out across the bay, hands clasped behind his back.
Estoy muy preocupado dijo Drake, de pie junto a la ventana, con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda y la mirada fija en el bloque de oficinas de enfrente.
"I am very concerned," Drake said. He stood at the window, hands clasped behind his back, staring at the office building opposite.
Tenía al vizconde Trencavel, a quien podía ver con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda, tan próximo, que hubiese podido estirar un brazo y tocarlo.
She was so close to where Viscount Trencavel stood, his hands clasped behind his back, that she could have reached out and touched him.
—Esta mujer necesita ser educada, alabado sea el Santo Nombre del Señor. —Rideout se inclinó hacia Newsome con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda.
‘She needs educating, praise God’s Holy Name.’ Rideout leaned toward Newsome, his own hands clasped behind his back.
La Madre del Manantial las estaba esperando detrás de su escritorio, igual que la última vez, y junto a la ventana había un hombre alto y de porte militar, con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda.
The Wellmother waited at her desk, just as she had before, and a tall man of military bearing stood by the window, hands clasped behind his back.
La comunicación tardó siglos en establecerse; mientras, Kai permaneció frente a la pantalla con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda y el corazón palpitándole audiblemente, más que el motor de la Rampion.
The communication link took ages to connect, while Kai stood before the netscreen with his hands clasped behind his back and his heart thudding louder than the Rampion’s engine.
Se quedó inmóvil unos instantes, mirando el suelo; ya estaba a punto de salir de aquella estancia tan rápida y resueltamente como había entrado en ella cuando llegó un viejo portero, arrastrando los pies y con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda.
He stood stock-still for a moment, staring at the floor, and was about to leave the room as rapidly and purposefully as he had entered it when an old porter shuffled forward, his hands clasped behind his back.
Félix iba de mesa en mesa con las manos entrelazadas detrás de la espalda y explicaba el menú de la noche y Nanton hojeaba su periódico detrás de la recepción, y, al final de la noche, Winkler iba de farolillo en farolillo extinguiendo pequeñas llamas.
Felix went from table to table with his hands clasped behind his back and explained the night’s menu and Nanton stood behind the front desk turning pages of his newspaper and Winkler went from lantern to lantern at the end of the night extinguishing little flames.
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