Translation for "los dinosaurios eran" to english
Los dinosaurios eran
Translation examples
the dinosaurs were
Los dinosaurios eran reyes de su paradigma y un paradigma es lo que piensas de algo antes de que lo pienses.
Now, the dinosaurs were kings of their paradigm, and a paradigm is what you think about something before you think about it.
Antes que ellos, reinaban los reptiles, y algunos de ellos, sin duda, en la época de los dinosaurios, eran reclutados por las plantas, tal como algunos todavía hoy lo son.
Before them, the reptiles ruled, and some of them, doubtless, in the time of the dinosaurs, were conscripted by plants, as some are still today.
La mayoría de los dinosaurios eran herviboros.
Most of the dinosaurs were herbivorous.
Antes del hombre fueron los dinosaurios, y antes de los dinosaurios fueron los trilobites.
Before men were the dinosaurs and before the dinosaurs were the trilobites.
Los dinosaurios eran tontos, estaban en las últimas.
The dinosaurs were stupid, they were on their last legs.
—Y había… había esquelentos de elefantes y rinocerontes y… y… los dinosaurios eran dinosaurios fantasmas.
“And there were…there were skellingtons of elephants and rhinoceroses and…and…the dinosaurs were ghost dinosaurs.”
Los dinosaurios eran claramente visibles, y eso los incomodaba.
The dinosaurs were clearly visible, and they didn’t like it.
Los dinosaurios eran una tribu estúpida también, pero había apetito en ellos.
The dinosaurs were a stupid tribe as well, but they had a hunger in them.
—La mayoría de los dinosaurios eran pequeños —explicó Malcolm—.
Dinosaurs were mostly small,” Malcolm said.
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