Translation for "llorar amargamente" to english
Llorar amargamente
Translation examples
Su esposo la enterró al pie del enebro sin dejar de llorar amargamente ni un instante.
Her husband buried her under the juniper tree, weeping bitterly.
Se arrancó el cordel con gesto de desprecio, me arrojó la piedra a la cara y se echó a llorar amargamente.
She tore the cord, flung the stone in my face and began to weep bitterly.
Al advertir que nada me apartaría de mi propósito, Arsinoe se tiró al suelo y empezó a llorar amargamente.
Realizing that nothing could shake me, Arsinoe sank onto the ground and began to weep bitterly.
—Súbitamente ocultó su rostro en mi pecho y se echó a llorar amargamente—. No te enfades conmigo, te lo ruego.
Suddenly she buried her face in my neck and began to weep bitterly. “Don’t be angry with me if I am troublesome.
Mientras se quitaba el sombrero, en el dormitorio, rompió a llorar amargamente, con un resquicio de su angustioso desconsuelo infantil.
As she took off her hat in the bedroom, she found herself weeping bitterly, with some of the old, anguished, childish desolation.
La muchacha se echó a llorar amargamente, y los dos hombres, profiriendo alaridos, empezaron a acusar a Pablo, poniendo a los concurrentes por testigos de la blasfemia de aquellos dos extranjeros (aunque Silas no había abierto la boca).
Leave these vile men and we'll take you to a place of comfort and safety.' The girl began to weep bitterly, and the two men hurled abuse at Paul, calling on the bystanders to witness the blasphemy of these two foreigners, though Silas had as yet said nothing.
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