Translation for "livideces" to english
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Hipóstasis: se conoce también como lividez o livor mortis.
Hypostasis: This is also known as lividity or livor mortis.
Hubo lividez allí.
There was lividity there.
Mira su lividez.
Look at his lividity.
¿Ves la lividez?
See the lividity?
Tiene doble-lividez.
I've got double-lividity.
Lividez, por ejemplo.
Lividity, for one.
La lividez es indeterminada.
Lividity's indeterminate.
- No es lividez.
It's not lividity.
Comprueba su lividez.
Check her lividity.
No hay lividez.
There's no lividity.
«Lividez». Lividez post mortem.
Lividity.” Post-mortem lividity.
—La lividez postmortem.
Because of postmortem lividity.
La lividez de sus manos y su…
The lividity in his hands and his–
La lividez ya había comenzado.
Lividity had already set in.
Era la lividez post mórtem;
It was post-mortem lividity.
La lividez había engordado sus facciones.
Lividity had thickened her features.
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