Translation for "la abuela" to english
Translation examples
Tras ella tendrán derecho preferente la abuela materna, la abuela paterna y el padre.
Preference is then given to the maternal grandmother, the paternal grandmother and the father, in that order.
a) La abuela materna y los ascendientes;
(a) The maternal grandmother and ascendants;
El abuelo y el niño
Grandmothers and children
7. La abuela paterna y la abuela materna
7. Grandmother of the father and grandmother of the mother.
A la abuela materna; y 5o.
The maternal grandmother; and 5.
A la abuela paterna; 4o.
The paternal grandmother; 4.
La abuela estaba muerta.
The grandmother was dead.
Bueno, pues la abuela...
- Well, the grandmother...
- Díselo a la abuela.
- Tell the grandmother.
-¿Con la abuela? Jamás.
The grandmother, never?
¡La abuela vive!
The grandmother lives!
- ¿Cómo esta la abuela?
- How's the grandmother?
- Espere... ¡la abuela!
- VVait, wait! The grandmother!
- ¿Eres la abuela?
- Are you the grandmother?
Coge la de la abuela.
Take the grandmother.
Me contaron que la mujer de la historia era la abuela de la abuela de mi abuela.
"I was told that the woman involved was my grandmother's grandmother's grandmother.
—Pero la abuela de Ross no era mi abuela. —No.
“But Ross’s grandmother wasn’t my grandmother.” “No.
Tú tuviste abuela y yo tuve abuela... A mi abuela la mataron los nilgaardianos. En Cintra.
You had a grandmother and I had a grandmother… My grandmother was killed by the Nilfgaardians. In Cintra.
Monedas de la abuela Wexen, águilas de la abuela Wexen y exigencias de la abuela Wexen, nada menos.
Grandmother Wexen’s coins, Grandmother Wexen’s eagles, Grandmother Wexen’s demands too.
No debemos percibir a nuestra abuela tan sólo como a una abuela.
We mustn't perceive this grandmother just as a grandmother.
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