Translation for "insoportablemente doloroso" to english
Insoportablemente doloroso
Translation examples
unbearably painful
Es una situación insoportablemente dolorosa y es imposible esconder la angustia que causa.
It is unbearably painful and the anguish it causes cannot be concealed.
Pero me es insoportablemente doloroso escucharla hablar de esa manera y no ser capaz por mi mismo...
But it's unbearably painful to me to hear you speaking like this and not be able myself...
"Pero lo que era insoportablemente doloroso fue la negación final."
But what was unbearably painful was the final denial.
Era incómodo al principio, y a veces insoportablemente doloroso.
This was uncomfortable at first, and sometimes unbearably painful.
No me dijo que la vida le resultaba insoportablemente dolorosa.
“She didn’t tell me that she found life to be so unbearably painful.
La idea de abandonar a Gertie de nuevo le resultaba insoportablemente dolorosa.
The thought of abandoning Gertie once more was unbearably painful.
Ambas modalidades buscan que el paciente no tenga que afrontar algo que le resulta insoportablemente doloroso.
Both of these function to ensure that the patient does not need to face up to something that feels unbearably painful.
Lo sé. Pero me resulta insoportablemente doloroso oírle hablar de esa manera y ser incapaz… yo mismo…
I do know that. But it is unbearably painful to me to hear you speak in this way and not be able—myself—
La época que estás evocando fue la más difícil, la más complicada, la más dolorosa, casi insoportablemente dolorosa, de mi vida.
The time you are talking about was the most difficult, most unbearably painful, most complicated part of my life.
Intuía que, si se reuniera con alguna mujer, el recuerdo de Teresa se haría al instante insoportablemente doloroso.) 15
Perhaps he sensed that any woman would make his memory of Tereza unbearably painful.) 15
Sólo en el último momento, cuando el sonido del claxon creció hasta hacérsele insoportablemente doloroso, los abrió por fin.
Only at the last moment, with the sound of the air horn so loud in his ears that it became unbearably painful, did he open his eyes;
La chica rara vez dejaba de moverse cuando dormía: era como si tuviese que revivir alguna larga, trágica e insoportablemente dolorosa historia en su mente una y otra vez.
She was seldom quiet when she slept. It was as if she must replay some long, tragic, and unbearably painful story in her mind over and over again.
Sí, bueno, te alegrará saber que el tratamiento ha tenido éxito aunque fue insoportablemente doloroso.
Yes, well, you'll be pleased to know the treatment was successful, although excruciatingly painful.
Tenía dos costillas rotas y era insoportablemente doloroso.
He had two broken ribs and they were excruciatingly painful.
caminaba como si cada paso fuera peligroso e insoportablemente doloroso.
she walked as though each step was hazardous and excruciatingly painful.
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