Translation for "hogares familiares" to english
Hogares familiares
Translation examples
336. Los beneficiarios de un hogar familiar son:
336. The beneficiaries of a family home are:
Reintegrar la víctima y sus hijos en el hogar familiar;
:: Reintegration of the victim and his/her children into the family home,
Peticiones de constitución del hogar familiar.
Petitions for the constitution of the family home;
- ordenar la exclusión del agresor físico o psíquico del hogar familiar;
Order the exclusion of the physical or mental aggressor from the family home;
Al cónyuge violento se le puede imponer una orden de alejamiento del hogar familiar.
A violent spouse could be ordered to stay away from the family home.
En cuanto a la elección de hogar familiar, es una cuestión a decidir por el matrimonio conjuntamente.
The choice of the family home was a matter for the married couple to decide jointly.
No abandonan el hogar familiar; garantizan una mejor compatibilidad con la vida activa.
They are not leaving the family home; they are enhancing its connection with working life.
También prevé la posibilidad de alejar al agresor del hogar familiar.
It also provided for the possibility of keeping the aggressor away from the family home.
Retirar al agresor del hogar familiar;
:: Evacuation of the aggressor from the family home,
Esto permitirá que un mayor número de reclusas estarán alojadas más cerca del hogar familiar.
This will ensure that more women prisoners will be accommodated closer to the family home.
Abandonaste el hogar familiar, muy poco sentimental.
Abandoned the family home, completely unsentimental.
Nos echaron del hogar familiar.
They chased us out from the family home.
¿Es esta su hogar familiar?
This is your family home?
Solo es un hogar familiar normal.
It's just a normal family home.
Nos despedimos de nuestro hogar familiar.
We're saying goodbye to our family home.
Se alejan del hogar familiar.
They move out from the family home.
Quieres tu hogar familiar.
You want your family home.
¿No os parece que será un gran hogar familiar?
Isn’t it going to be a great family home?
objetos conocidos del hogar familiar.
familiar objects from our family home.
¿No es la imagen misma de un antiguo hogar familiar?
Is it not the very picture of an old family home?
El hogar familiar estaba en Nueva York, cerca de Central Park.
The family home was near Central Park in New York.
Con frecuencia, los padres se ven forzados a vender el hogar familiar.
Often, the husband and wife are forced to sell the family home.
Edmund llega al hogar familiar y pasa una hora con su mujer.
Edmund arrives at the family home and has an hour with his wife.
Crear un hogar familiar requiere tiempo, dedicación y, sobre todo, empatía.
To make a family home needs time, dedication and, above all, empathy.
Estás acostumbrada a un hogar familiar mucho más elegante que mi austero castillo.
You are accustomed to a family home much more elegant than my austere Castle.
Dirk accedió a llevar el fardo de documentos al hogar familiar de Ethelinda.
So Dirk agreed to convey the packet of documents to Ethelinda’s family home.
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