Translation for "hermosa idea" to english
Hermosa idea
Translation examples
Es una hermosa idea tan plena, tan llena de posibilidades.
It's a beautiful idea, so rich, so full of possibilities.
- La hermosa idea de crear un sitio...
- A beautiful idea, to create a place, online...
Es una hermosa idea, pero... ¿y si vamos allí y las cosas no mejoran?
It's a beautiful idea, but what if we go there, and things don't get better?
Oh, es una hermosa idea.
Oh, it's a beautiful idea.
"Su manía de la medianoche, hay una hermosa idea" ...
For your midnight mania, there's a beautiful idea...
Una noche, mientras concedía unas vacaciones a su erudito cerebro escribiendo un pequeño ensayo (nada brillante, desde luego, pues no era un hombre de dotes excepcionales) sobre el arte del cinema, le llegó la hermosa idea.
Then, one night, as he was giving his learned mind a holiday and writing a little essay (nothing very brilliant, he was not a particularly gifted man) upon the art of the cinema, the beautiful idea came to him.
La hermosa idea de que los caracoles llevaban su código genético inscrito en la espiral y en el colorido de su concha, que el azar había convertido en una ingeniosa metáfora cuando se había descubierto la naturaleza helicoidal del ADN, estaba a punto de perder toda utilidad.
The beautiful idea that snails carried their genetic code on the coils and colourings of their shells, which had acquired a happenstance metaphorical elegance with the discovery of the helical nature of the DNA, was about to become redundant as a useful tool.
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