Translation for "hacer falta" to english
Translation examples
No va a hacer falta maquillaje.
I thought we were going to need make-up - look.
Si la gripe es tan grave como dicen, nos va a hacer falta.
If this flu is as serious as they say, we're going to need it.
Te va a hacer falta.
You're going to need it.
Díganles que me va a hacer falta una línea central.
Tell them I'm going to need a central line.
- Eso no va hacer falta.
You ain't going to need those.
Las medicinas nos pueden hacer falta.
We are going to need that medicine.
Porque, creedme, os va a hacer falta.
Because, believe me, you're going to need it.
Nos va a hacer falta comida.
We're going to need food.
Entreguen las armas, que nos van a hacer falta.
Surrender your weapons, we're going to need them.
Va a hacer falta un representante para la ceremonia.
Of course you realise, Ben, they're going to need someone to represent them at the ceremony.
Aquí tienes, te va a hacer falta.
'Here, you're going to need this.
Te va a hacer falta un mapa.
You’re going to need a map.”
Ya no te va a hacer falta.
You won't be needing it any longer.
Esto no le va a hacer falta, caballero.
You won't be needing this old man.
Pero... si el empleado del guardarropa aparece, podemos hacer falta.
But ifyour cloakroom man appears, you'll be needing us.
No va a hacer falta fregarlos mucho.
It isn't much washing they'll be needing.
Pero no te va a hacer falta ese casco.
But you won't be needing that helmet.
No me va a hacer falta.
I won't be needing it anyway.
Evidentemente te va a hacer falta.
Apparently, you'll be needing it.
Creo que nos va a hacer falta para algo más que los japoneses.
Looks like we might be needing it for something besides japs.
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