Translation for "estaban reunidos" to english
Estaban reunidos
Translation examples
Por lo menos, ahora estaban reunidos, y por eso se sentía agradecida.
At least they were together, and she thanked God for it.
Cuando llegamos, los trabajadores estaban reunidos para darnos la bienvenida.
When we arrived, the workers were gathered to welcome us.
Unos cuantos chicos estaban reunidos en el bar
Some boys were gathered in the canteen.
Creo que quizás sus amigos, los barones del norte, estaban reunidos en Chester.
I think perhaps his friends, the northern barons, were gathered at Chester. Hm?
Antes de la víspera de Pascua, los sumos sacerdotes y los sabios estaban reunidos en casa de Caifás....
On the second day before aster the priests and the scribes were gathered in the house of caiphas.
Los magos estaban reunidos en el círculo.
The wizards were gathering in the circle.
Una docena de mujeres estaba reunida en la cocina.
A dozen women were gathered in the kitchen.
Y otras dos de las ovejas estaban reunidas en un tabernucho.
And others of the sheep were gathered in a low tavern.
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