Translation for "esa persona es responsable" to english
Esa persona es responsable
Translation examples
b. [O la persona es responsable de haber creado un riesgo o peligro particular que subsiguientemente ocasionó el crimen]
b. [or The person is responsible for having created a particular risk or danger that subsequently led to the crime]
Detalles sobre la persona/organización responsable de preparar el informe y con capacidad para aclarar la información.
Details of the person/organization responsible for preparing the report and in a position to provide clarifying information.
Además, dicha persona será responsable de los daños o lesiones que ocasionen los delitos resultantes de su funcionamiento.
In addition, a legal person is responsible for any damage or injury caused by a crime committed in the framework of its operations.
178. La persona legalmente responsable de la educación del niño asegurará los alimentos necesarios al niño.
178. The person legally responsible for his education shall ensure necessary food for the child.
La finalidad de los procesos es identificar a las personas políticamente responsables de esos delitos.
The aim of the trials is to identify the persons politically responsible for those offences.
Hasta la fecha, no se han incoado procesos contra ninguna persona presuntamente responsable del reclutamiento de niños.
To date, no prosecutions have been initiated against persons allegedly responsible for child recruitment.
Cada persona es responsable de la paz y el bienestar de los demás y nadie es libre hasta que todo el mundo es libre.
Every person was responsible for everybody else's peace and well-being and nobody was free until everybody was free.
El Profeta ha dicho que todas las personas son responsables unas de otras.
The Prophet had said that all persons were responsible for one another.
El peligro extremo se refería a la situación en que una persona era responsable de la vida de otras personas confiadas a su cuidado.
Distress concerned a situation where a person was responsible for the lives of other persons in his or her care.
Cada persona es responsable a todos los niveles de aquellos de sus actos que afectan a los demás.
Every person is responsible for their actions towards other people at all levels.
—Y durante ese período, ¿diría usted que esa persona es responsable de sus actos? —No. —Gracias, doctor.
"And during that time would you say that that person is responsible for his or her actions?" "No." "Thank you. Doctor."
Si se lo hubiéramos confesado a Cabrera, nos habrían acusado a todos, menos a la única persona realmente responsable.
If we'd confessed to Cabrera all of us would have been charged and the one person really responsible would have escaped.
Eso parecía encajar con lo poco que había averiguado sobre su manera de ser, y lo añadí a mi pequeña lista: era una persona seria, responsable.
That seemed in line with what little I had learned of her character. I added this to my small list: She was a serious person, a responsible person.
En los bajos fondos, cada persona era responsable de lo que le pasaba: el segmento más débil de la banda tenía que ser abandonado a su suerte para que los demás pudieran sobrevivir.
In the underground, each person bore responsibility for what happened to them—the weaker segment of a crew had to be allowed to die, lest they keep everyone else from earning enough to survive.
No había el más mínimo indicio a partir del que un observador casual pudiera deducir que la familia de Stringham y la mayoría de sus amigos lo consideraban una persona escasamente responsable de sus acciones;
There was not the smallest sign to inform a casual observer that Stringham was now looked upon by his own family, by most of his friends, as a person scarcely responsible for his own actions;
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