Translation for "es visto" to english
Translation examples
No han sido vistos desde entonces.
They have not been seen since.
Esta tribuna ha visto la justicia, pero también ha visto el mal, la crueldad y la explotación.
This podium has seen justice, but it has also seen evil, cruelty and exploitation.
No hemos visto eso.
We have not seen that.
:: No se ha visto todavía sostenibilidad;
Not seen sustainability yet
Hemos visto esto en el Irán.
We have seen this in Iran.
Yo he visto esa ilusión.
I have seen that vision.
Otros testigos declararon que la habían visto caer de la ventana pero no habían visto que alguien la empujara.
Other witnesses testified that they had seen her falling out of the window but that they had not seen anyone push her.
Pero nadie ha visto esas imágenes.
But no one has seen these images.
Desde entonces no le ha visto.
She has not seen him since.
¿Incluso si esa devoción es vista como herejía?
Even if that devotion is seen as heresy?
De hecho, Un hombre es visto por sus virtudes.
In fact... a man is seen for his virtues.
Ella es vista como símbolo de la vida, mientras Osiris es visto como la deidad que gobierna sobre la muerte.
She is seen as a symbol of life, whereas Osiris is seen as the deity who rules over the death.
Cualquier pacto es visto por Nasser como colonialismo encubierto.
And any pact is seen by Nasser as veiled colonialism.
Una mujer sola aqui es vista como una amenaza.
A woman on her own is seen as a threat here.
Papá es visto como cariñoso y preocupado.
Dad is seen as caring and concerned.
Esto es visto como un regreso del veterano político.
This is seen as a comeback for the seasoned politician.
Guthred es visto como débil y sin amigos.
Guthred is seen as weak and friendless.
Hoy, el cristianismo es visto como una fe occidental.
Today, Christianity is seen as a Western faith.
La ciencia es vista como mágica por los primitivos.
Science is seen as magic by primitives.
Visto uno, vistos todos.
Seen one, seen 'em all."
Ha visto lo que hemos visto nosotros.
You’ve seen what we’ve seen.
La he visto, he visto sus lágrimas, he visto su sufrimiento.
I’ve seen her, seen her tears, seen her misery. Hell.
No habéis visto… no habéis visto.
You have not seen… You have not seen
Nos han visto, nos han visto, joder.
‘We’ll be seen, we’ll be fucking seen.
Había visto lo que había visto.
She had seen what she had seen.
Ha visto lo que ha visto.
She has seen what she has seen.
—Esto he visto yo, todos lo hemos visto.
This I have seen, we all have seen.
—¿Y qué es lo que has visto tú que no haya visto yo?
'What have you seen that I haven't seen?'
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