Translation for "es servido" to english
Translation examples
Esto ha servido para:
This has served to improve:
Esta decisión ha servido para:
This decision has served to:
La NEPAD ha servido de catalizadora para el desarrollo.
NEPAD has served as the catalyst for development.
He servido a mi país desde su nacimiento.
I have served my country since its birth.
Las responsabilidad fiscal ha servido para alentar la eficacia.
Fiscal responsibility has served to encourage efficiency.
También han servido para paliar la estigmatización y la discriminación.
They have also served to attenuate stigma and discrimination.
Número total de almuerzos servidos
Total no. of lunches served
La mundialización ha servido para aumentar nuestra interdependencia.
Globalization has served to heighten our interdependence.
y quienes han servido a sus ideales
and those who have served its ideals
Estos tratados han servido adecuadamente a la aviación civil.
They have served civil aviation well.
El caviar es servido en tostadas
Caviar is served on toast points.
La cena es servida.
Dinner is served.
Después de siete años, el vino tinto aún es servido helado, la cerveza caliente, y el champagne acompañado con papas fritas.
After 7 years... the red wine is still ice cold. The beer is lukewarm and the Champagne is served ice cubes.
A pesar de que Corea del Norte es servido por sólo seis vuelos internacionales por semana, el estado está alarmado.
Even though North Korea is served by just six international flights per week, the state is alarmed.
No, pero toda la comida es servida atrás en la base de filmación.
No, we don't, but all food is served back at the film base.
La justicia es servida.
Justice is served.
El helado turco es servido con una actuación.
BRENT: Turkish ice cream is served with a performance.
Si el pescado es servido los martes y jueves, ¿entonces cuándo el restaurante sirve la langosta?
"If halibut is served only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, "then when does the restaurant serve Lobster"?
el que lo recibía quedaba servido, y bien servido.
the recipient was served, and well served.
—No se preocupará tanto por ti cuando hayas servido. —¿Servido?
“It will not care so greatly about you after you have served.” “Served?
Has servido bien a esta organización. Me has servido bien a mí.
You’ve served the organization well. Served me well.
Por él te he servido, y te ha servido Hethor, que me sirve a mí.
For him, I—and Hethor, who serves me—have served you.
Yo he servido a mi príncipe y he servido a mi familia.
I have served my prince, and I have served this family.
Has servido a la patria, sí..., pero ¡aún no has servido a Dios!
You have served country, yes … but you have not yet served God!
La mesa está servida;
The meal is served;
El desayuno está servido.
Breakfast is served.
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