Translation for "it is served" to spanish
Translation examples
This has served to improve:
Esto ha servido para:
This decision has served to:
Esta decisión ha servido para:
NEPAD has served as the catalyst for development.
La NEPAD ha servido de catalizadora para el desarrollo.
I have served my country since its birth.
He servido a mi país desde su nacimiento.
Fiscal responsibility has served to encourage efficiency.
Las responsabilidad fiscal ha servido para alentar la eficacia.
They have also served to attenuate stigma and discrimination.
También han servido para paliar la estigmatización y la discriminación.
Total no. of lunches served
Número total de almuerzos servidos
Globalization has served to heighten our interdependence.
La mundialización ha servido para aumentar nuestra interdependencia.
and those who have served its ideals
y quienes han servido a sus ideales
They have served civil aviation well.
Estos tratados han servido adecuadamente a la aviación civil.
the recipient was served, and well served.
el que lo recibía quedaba servido, y bien servido.
“It will not care so greatly about you after you have served.” “Served?
—No se preocupará tanto por ti cuando hayas servido. —¿Servido?
You’ve served the organization well. Served me well.
Has servido bien a esta organización. Me has servido bien a mí.
For him, I—and Hethor, who serves me—have served you.
Por él te he servido, y te ha servido Hethor, que me sirve a mí.
I have served my prince, and I have served this family.
Yo he servido a mi príncipe y he servido a mi familia.
You have served country, yes … but you have not yet served God!
Has servido a la patria, sí..., pero ¡aún no has servido a Dios!
The meal is served;
La mesa está servida;
Breakfast is served.
El desayuno está servido.
It serves multiple functions.
El desarrollo sirve para muchas cosas.
This selection does not serve the truth.
Esta selección no sirve a la verdad.
It may actually serve no purpose.
De hecho, es posible que no sirva para nada.
These two processes are of vital importance for creating conditions in which it is the State that is serving the citizen, and not the citizen serving the State and its administration.
Estos dos procesos son de importancia crucial para crear condiciones en las que el Estado sea el que sirve al ciudadano y no el ciudadano el que sirve al Estado y a su administración.
And do not serve it well
y no le sirvo como es debido
It serves to refocus their activities.
Sirve para reorientar sus actividades.
It serves no useful purpose.
No sirve a ningún propósito útil.
In this context, the Office serves to:
En este aspecto. la Oficina sirve para:
This too serves as a safeguard.
Esto también sirve como salvaguardia.
I serve my clan, just as you serve yours.
Yo sirvo a mi clan como tú sirves al tuyo.
I serve your brother, and I serve you.
Sirvo a vuestro hermano, y os sirvo a vos.
This restaurant serves no drink, this one serves no meat, this one serves no heterosexuals.
Tal restaurante no sirve bebidas, tal otro no sirve carne, y el de más allá no sirve a los heterosexuales.
He serves Lilith, if he serves anyone.
Sirve a Lilith, si es que sirve a alguien.
“If you serve Teeleh, you serve Ba’al.
—Si sirves a Teeleh, sirves a Ba'al.
“It serves you,” spat Isao. “And you serve Yoritomo.”
—Te sirve a ti —escupió Isao—, y tú sirves a Yoritomo.
He serves the Dark God, and Sabra serves me.
Ella sirve al dios oscuro, y Sabra me sirve a mí.
I serve the beloved Emperor, and I serve mankind.
Sirvo al amado Emperador y sirvo a la humanidad.
I serve the Grisha. I serve Ravka.” “Ravka.”
Yo sirvo a los Grisha. Sirvo a Ravka. —A Ravka.
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