Translation for "es falso decir" to english
Es falso decir
  • it is false to say
Translation examples
it is false to say
Sin embargo, inspiraba confianza y, aun cuando sería falso decir que me dio ánimos, sí es cierto que me sentí menos desolado.
But she inspired confidence, and while it would be false to say that my spirits lightened, I felt a little less desolate.
A pesar de todas las maravillas de la ciencia, puede en verdad ser menos falso decir que el perro es un poseso, y no obra de un hombre.
In spite of all the wonders of science, it may really be less false to say that the dog is possessed by a spirit than that it is just the work of man's scientific skill.
Sería falso decir que me acordaba de mi padre cuando me sentaba a mi escritorio en la calle Ciento nueve fumando cigarrillos y tratando de escribir mi historia quijotesca.
It would be false to say that I was reminded of my father as I sat at my desk on 109th Street smoking cigarettes and trying to write my Quixotic story.
Habría sido falso decir que, a sus cuarenta años, conservaba toda la belleza de los veintisiete; pero su nariz respingona y sus ojos alegres seguían siendo atractivos, a pesar de las patitas de gallo y de los perniciosos efectos del sol sobre la piel, y su figura, gracias al esquí en invierno y al tenis en verano, aparecía elegantemente juvenil en los ajustados pantalones que siempre había llevado y seguía llevando.
It would have been false to say that at forty she was as good looking as she had been when she was twenty-seven, but the snub nose and the merry eyes, although there were lines around them and the sun had done some harsh work on her skin, were still appealing, and her figure, with all the skiing she did in winter and the tennis she played in summer, had remained elegantly youthful in the skintight slacks she had worn then and still wore.
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