Translation for "es eso perseguido" to english
Es eso perseguido
Translation examples
is that persecuted
No serán perseguidos ni castigados por formular esa solicitud.
They shall not be persecuted or punished for making such a request.
Afirmaron que temían ser perseguidos por una persona que los había perseguido en el pasado.
They affirmed that they feared persecution by one individual who had persecuted them in the past.
d) Si regresa voluntariamente a su país de origen, del cual salió por estar perseguido o por miedo a ser perseguido; o
(d) He returns voluntarily to his country of origin, which he had left as a result of persecution or the fear of persecution; or
Son maltratados, perseguidos y violados.
They are being maltreated, persecuted and raped.
Muchos sacerdotes se han visto amenazados y perseguidos.
Many priests have been threatened and persecuted.
—Estoy siendo perseguido.
“I’m being persecuted.”
Serán envidiados y serán perseguidos.
They will be envied and persecuted.
—¡La Escocia perseguida!
Persecuted Scotland!
Se siente perseguida.
She feels persecuted.
¡Habíamos perseguido a los judíos!
We persecuted the Jews!
A nosotros, la minoría perseguida.
We the persecuted minority.
Tipo de remedios perseguidos:
Type(s) of remedies pursued:
El enemigo está siendo perseguido en dirección a la ciudad
The enemy is being pursued in the direction of the city
Los inmigrantes son perseguidos, cazados y explotados.
Migrants were pursued, hunted down and exploited.
Esos elementos fueron avistados y perseguidos por fuerzas del Irán.
These elements were spotted and pursued by Iranian forces.
Los atacantes fueron perseguidos pero lograron escapar.
The armed men were pursued and escaped.
Regresaron al Iraq perseguidos por fuerzas iraníes.
They were pursued back into Iraq by Iranian forces.
Fueron avistados y perseguidos por personal del Irán.
They were spotted and pursued by Iranian personnel.
El Gobierno de Uganda ha perseguido a estos bandidos.
The Government of Uganda has been pursuing these bandits.
III. Objetivos perseguidos
III. Objectives pursued
Corre y serás perseguido.
Run and be pursued.
—¿Perseguidos por los españoles?
- Pursued by the Spaniards?
¿Perseguida por varios asaltantes?
Pursued by assailants?
Mañana seré perseguido.
Tomorrow I shall be pursued.
El Intrépido era el perseguidor, no el perseguido.
Fearless was the pursuer, not the pursued.
Diógenes perseguido por Constance.
Diogenes, pursued by Constance.
Son los excrementos de la bestia perseguida.
They are the droppings of the beast pursued.
—Los han perseguido... —murmuró.
‘They were being pursued . .’ he muttered.
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