Translation for "enviarlos de vuelta" to english
Enviarlos de vuelta
Translation examples
¿Que escriba"sin problema" en ellas y enviarlas de vuelta?
Write "no problem" on them and send them back?
Podemos enviarlos de vuelta a la Zona Fantasma.
We can send them back to the Phantom Zone.
Tengo que enviarlos de vuelta uno de cada vez.
I've got to send them back one at a time.
Puedo enviarlos de vuelta al infierno.
I can send them back to hell.
Enviarlos de vuelta a revisar de nuevo.
Send them back and ask to see again.
Vamos a enviarles de vuelta al Drina. ¡Se acabó!
We're going to send them back over the Drina! It's over!
Pero puede ... enviarlos de vuelta a través del tiempo?
But he can... Send them back through time?
Graff no dijo nada, excepto para enviarlos de vuelta a clase.
Graff said nothing, except to send them back to class.
La maestra les daba un pase y la bibliotecaria le ponía sus iniciales antes de enviarles de vuelta.
The teacher gave them a pass and the librarian initialed it before sending them back.
¡Si los ves venir, usa la Fuerza para enviarlos de vuelta a sus naves! —¡Basta!
If you see them coming, use the Force to send them back to their ships!
Tal vez, pensó desesperado, si era verdad que la sangre llamaba a la sangre, pudiera enviarlos de vuelta a sus tumbas.
Perhaps, he thought desperately, if blood truly called to blood, he could send them back to their rest.
Podría enviarlos de vuelta a nadar en los excrementos de su tierra, pero para ahorrar gastos preferiría sacarlos en carrito para que se los coman los leones.
I could send them back to swim in their home dung, but to save the expense I’d rather wheel them out for the lions.”
Si es capaz de enviarlos de vuelta a sus casas en la ciudad con los cuerpos doloridos, cree que recordarán haber pasado momentos alegres y agradables.
If she can send them back to the city with aching bodies, she thinks they remember it as a good gay time.
Un corsario argelino los capturó frente a la costa de Munster, y tengo pensado enviarlos de vuelta con sus padres, campesinos de un pueblo que conozco.
An Algerine corsair took them off the Munster coast and I mean to send them back to their parents, peasants in a village I know.
Tras aguantar aquello durante dos meses, se las ingenió para enviarlos de vuelta a Roma con órdenes para el contable de su padre de que jubilase a ambos.
After enduring two months of this, he found reason to send them back to Rome with orders to his father’s accountant to pension them both off.
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