Translation for "enviarle a el" to english
Enviarle a el
Translation examples
give the
20. Destaca como un elemento fundamental la consulta con las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) de derechos humanos para la revisión del presente informe antes de enviarlo al Comité, con objeto de poder recabar sus observaciones.
20. One important point that should be stressed is the fact that non-governmental human rights organizations were invited to review the report and give their comments on it before it was sent to the Committee.
Se informó a la Relatora Especial de que el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores organiza conferencias y otras actividades de formación para los diplomáticos uruguayos antes de enviarlos al exterior, pero la cuestión de la trata no se aborda suficientemente.
The Special Rapporteur was informed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gives conferences and other training activities to Uruguayan diplomats before they are commissioned abroad, but the issue of trafficking has not been sufficiently addressed.
—Tienes que enviarle una advertencia leal.
You gotta give her fair warning.
Os acordaréis de enviarle mis saludos a la pequeña Ce'Nedra, ¿verdad?
You will remember to give little Ce'Nedra my greetings, won't you?
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