Translation for "entregarle" to english
Translation examples
Tenéis que entregarle vuestras armas.
“You’re to hand over your weapons.
Me las compuse para entregarle el sobre;
I managed to hand over the envelope;
—les había preguntado al entregarles armas.
he’d asked as he handed over their weapons.
Gazid titubeó antes de entregarle el paquete.
Gazid hesitated, then handed over the packet.
Puede entregarle los despachos a Hardinge.
You can hand over the despatches to Hardinge.
No había necesidad de entregarles su corazón, era lo bueno.
No need to hand over his heart, the good stuff.
No pienso entregarles mi dinero sin luchar.
I'm not about to hand over my money without a fight.
No tenía forma de obligar al hombre a entregarle el material.
There was no way he could force the man to hand over the material.
la gente se vio obligada a entregarles todo el dinero que tenían.
people were forced to hand over all the money they had.
Decidió entregarle su regalo testimonial y marcharse.
She decided to hand over her token gift and get out.
Puede entregarle bienes o prometerle, por ejemplo, que la llevará a la Meca.
He can either give her property or make a promise to her for example that he will take her to Mecca.
De lo contrario, puede entregarlas a la Secretaría.
Alternatively, you can give them to the secretariat.
Por el contrario, hemos dejado muy clara esta cuestión al entregarle copias de todos los instrumentos constitucionales vigentes.
On the contrary, we have made that issue crystal clear by giving him copies of all the constitutional instruments which are in force.
El régimen alimenticio en detención ha sido muy deficiente y los guardias se han negado a entregarle los medicamentos facilitados por su esposa.
His diet while in detention has been extremely poor. The guards have refused to give him the medications provided by his wife.
La familia de la víctima tuvo que esperar a que se sometiera al Comité su queja para que el Estado parte se decidiera a entregarle copia de la autopsia.
The victim's family had to wait until their request was submitted to the Committee before the State party decided to give them a copy of the autopsy report.
En algunos casos habían visto a sus hijos morir de hambre o habían tenido que entregarlos a alguien para evitarles ese fin.
In some cases their children had died of hunger or they had to give them away to save them from that fate.
133. En Yarmuk (Damasco), los grupos armados robaban los coches y camionetas de los residentes o los obligaban a entregarlos.
133. In Yarmouk (Damascus), armed groups either stole cars and trucks or coerced residents into giving them up.
En algunos casos vieron a sus hijos morir de hambre o tuvieron que entregarlos a alguien para evitarles ese fin.
In some cases their children had died of hunger or they have had to give them away to save them from that fate.
¿Puede entregarle esto?
Can you give this?
¿Podría entregarle esto?
Will you give her this?
Tienes que entregarlos.
You must give it up.
No pienso entregarla.
I'll not give her up.
Y entregarles,... digo,...
And give to you...
¡Vamos a entregarlo!
We're giving it up.
No puedes entregarlo.
You mustn't give it away.
Entregarles los autobuses.
Give them the buses.
Tengo que entregarle esto.
“I have to give these to him.”
Pero ¿acaso es nuestro para entregarlo?
But is it ours to give?
Tengo que entregarle algo.
There’s something I have to give you.
Mejor sería no entregarlo.
Better not to give it up.
–No puedo entregarlo, porque no es mío.
It's not mine to give.
Era él quien iba a entregarla.
He was giving her away.
¿Por qué no entregarla a Munn?
Why not give her to Munn?
Entregarle un paquete.
“I’m to give him a package.
Así que, ¿por qué entregarlo?
So why give him away?
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