Translation for "en parecer" to english
Translation examples
Hay algo fundamentalmente errado cuando el dinero al parecer abunda, pero los fondos para las inversiones en la población al parecer escasean.
Something is fundamentally wrong when money seems to be abundant but funds for investment in people seem so short in supply.
Al parecer no es así.
It does not seem so.
Al parecer, se ha olvidado a los refugiados.
They seemed to be forgotten.
Al parecer no hay ninguna.
It seems not.
Al parecer no hay.
That does not seem to be the case.
Al parecer, todavía ese no es el caso.
That does not yet seem to be the case.
Esa posición al parecer es compartida por todos.
That position seems to be shared by all.
No ser es también parecer. —¿Parecer qué?
To not be is also to seem ' 'To seem what?'
No ser es parecer, y parecer es actuar. Ser, por lo tanto, es «no actuar».
Not to be is to seem, and to seem is to act. To be, therefore, is not to act.
al parecer, hay muchos.
There seem to be plenty.
Al parecer, no las tenían.
It seemed they hadn’t.
Pero no todos, al parecer.
But not all of them, it seemed.
Pero al parecer no había nada más.
But, it seemed, there wasn’t any more.
Al parecer, todos la teníamos.
It seemed we all were.
Es lo que tiene que parecer.
That is what it is supposed to seem like.
Allí no, al parecer.
Not here, it seemed.
Debería aclararse que es un nombre comercial, porque puede parecer que es el nombre de un congénere.
It should be made clear that this is a trade name - otherwise it looks like a name of a congener
Esa cantidad puede parecer exagerada.
That price tag may look daunting.
Al parecer es amigo de Okiljon Yunusov y ayudó a buscarlo.
He reportedly is a friend of Okiljon Yunusov and had been helping to look for him.
Hacerlo nos haría parecer como chivos expiatorios.
Otherwise, we will look like sacrificial beasts.
El parecer verde y el ser verde son dos cosas distintas.
Looking green and being green are two different things.
A la distancia, podría parecer que todos esos progresos se han perdido.
From afar, it might look as though all that progress has been lost.
Al parecer, las autoridades buscaban documentos, entre ellos un informe sobre el juicio de Ken Saro-Wiwa.
The authorities were reportedly looking for documents, including a report on the trial of Ken Saro-Wiwa.
Aunque esto pueda no parecer elevado, es una carga considerable para una familia pobre.
This may not look high but it is a substantial burden on a poor family.
Actualmente, al parecer, Tokelau ha llegado a un momento decisivo en la elaboración de su constitución.
Currently, Tokelau had reached what looked to be a defining point in its constitutional journey.
Eso es lo que parecerá.
That's what it will look like.
—No, parecerá lo que es.
“No, it’s going to look like what it is.
Trató de parecer pensativa, pero solo consiguió parecer malhumorada.
She tried to look thoughtful but only succeeded in looking bad-tempered.
Intenté parecer serio, pero sólo conseguí parecer patético.
I tried to look earnest, but I only succeeded in looking pathetic.
—Porque parecerás una loca.
You'd look foolish.
–Tiene que parecer real.
    'It has to look real.'
No parecerá sospechoso.
It won’t look suspicious.
Y uno de los buenos, al parecer.
And a good one, by the looks of it.
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