Translation for "ellos intentan" to english
Ellos intentan
Translation examples
También intentan modificar esas actitudes mediante campañas informativas.
They were also trying to change such attitudes by means of information campaigns.
Todas las religiones intentan elevar y glorificar a los seres humanos.
All religions try to elevate and glorify human beings.
Esta es la primera vez que intentan hacerlo.
This is the first one they are trying to build.
Hoy son los terroristas quienes intentan silenciar esa voz.
Today it is the terrorists who are trying to silence that voice.
También intentan reducir la presión del sobrepastoreo en los pastizales.
They also try to reduce pressure from overgrazing of pastures.
Para tratar de confundir, intentan presentar a Etiopía como un servidor de los intereses de terceros.
In their work of obfuscation, they are trying to portray that Ethiopia is serving the interests of others.
Lo intentan, pero los Estados aún tratan de mantener el statu quo.
They were trying to do so but States still sought to maintain the status quo.
Las cárceles intentan abordar los fenómenos racistas inmediatamente.
Prisons try to address racist phenomena immediately.
182. Las autoridades intentan alentar el acceso a la cultura de diversas formas.
182. The authorities are trying to encourage access to culture in several ways.
Ellos intentan etiquetarme, me llaman... enfermo.
They try to label me, call me... insane.
Ellos intentan recrear su mundo en América.
They try to recreate this world in America
Ellos intentan poseernos, rompernos
They try to possess us, break us.
Entonces ¿por qué ellos intentan matar a alguien que no existe?
Then why would they try to kill someone who doesn't exist?
Si ellos intentan hacer algo, los mataré.
If they try anything, I'll kill'em.
Ellos intentan ser simpáticos... Cuando en verdad no lo son.
They try to be nice, but if they do not.
Ellos intentan hundirme. Y cómo lo resistes?
They try to si me.
Alguna prueba oculta lejos por si acaso ellos intentan algo.
Some evidence stashed away just in case they try anything.
ellos intentan derribar el poder invadiendo el Palácio del Catete.
they try to knock the power down by invading Palácio do Catete.
Intentan interpretarla.
Try to interpret it.
No se intentan esconder.
They are not trying to hide.
Lo intentan, a pesar de todo.
They try it however.
¿Es que no lo intentan otros, muchos?
Don’t more Rural than that try it?”
¿Qué intentan decir?».
What are they trying to say?
– ¿Qué intentan hacer?
What're they trying to do?
Lo que intentan es moverla.
They’re trying to move it.”
¿Qué intentan conseguir?
What are they trying to pull?
Intentan disimularlo.
Trying to cover that up.
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