Translation for "ellos ataron" to english
Ellos ataron
Translation examples
Le ataron las manos a la espalda y le pisotearon las piernas.
Her wrists were tied behind her back and soldiers walked on her legs.
Ataron a mi padre a una silla.
They tied my father to a chair.
Ataron el pene de la víctima con un alambre que tensaron.
His penis tied with a wire and stretched.
Ataron sus manos detrás de su espalda, ataron sus piernas y le vendaron los ojos.
His hands were tied behind his back, his legs were tied and he was blindfolded.
Una vez en el vehículo le vendaron la vista y ataron las manos.
Once in the vehicle he was blindfolded and his hands were tied.
También ataron y golpearon al guarda.
The guard was beaten and tied up.
Lo ataron y lo golpearon con palos y con culatas de fusil.
He was tied up and beaten with sticks and rifle butts.
Los ataron de dos en dos y los subieron a un camión.
They were tied up in pairs and then taken away in a truck.
Luego la azotaron y le ataron las manos.
They then whipped her and tied her hands.
Ellos ataron las flechas.
They tied the arrows.
Ellos ataron a los monjes... y patearon a cualquiera que los mirara.
They tied up the monks and kicked anyone who looked up.
La encontraron y después ellos ataron a ambas parejas, y creo que violaron a Mrs. Skahan.
They found it,and then they tied up both of the couples, and I think that they raped Mrs. Skahan.
Me ataron a la silla.
They tied me to the chair.
Ataron sus caballos.
They tied up their horses.
Lo ataron a un árbol.
Tied him to a tree.
Y lo ataron al coche.
And then they tied him up.
–La ataron, último. Sí.
Tied up last, yeah.
Le ataron las piernas.
His legs were tied together.
Ataron a Dinh a un árbol.
They tied Dinh to a tree.
Ataron las manos del polimorfo.
They tied the changeling’s hands together.
Ataron los cuatro caballos.
They tied up the four horses.
Ya estaba muerta cuando la ataron.
She was already dead when she was tied up.
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